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Rain tapped against the windowpane, providing a soundtrack to my thoughts as I sat alone in my apartment. The glow of the streetlights outside cast a dim light on the room, leaving me in a contemplative state. Renee's offer to treat me to coffee lingered in my mind, haunting me like an unfinished song.

I hadn't engaged with her since she followed me on social media a while back, but there was something about her flirtatious confidence that intrigued me. It wasn't just her demeanor - it was her ability to unsettle me, to make me question the guarded fortress I'd built around myself.

"Come on, Frankie," I muttered under my breath, giving myself a mental pep talk. "It's just coffee." Or was it? My heart raced at the thought of spending time with Renee, and I wondered if this could be the beginning of a new friendship or something more.

"Okay, screw it," I said aloud, mustering the courage to send her a direct message. My fingers trembled slightly as I typed, betraying the confident exterior I usually projected. "Hey, Renee. remember that you owe me a coffee?."

The words stared back at me from the screen, and I hesitated for a brief moment before hitting 'send.' Would going out with Renee be a mistake? Was I allowing my insecurities to get the best of me? These questions swirled around in my head, but I knew there was only one way to find out. Sometimes, taking risks was just part of the journey.

"Alright, game on," I whispered, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. Whatever happened next, I was ready to face it head-on. Little did I know, that simple act of reaching out would change my life forever.

I paced the length of my apartment, each step punctuated by the relentless ticking of the wall clock. Time seemed to slow down as I waited for Renee's reply, my phone feeling like an extension of my hand. Was she busy? Was she ignoring me? Or worse, did she think I was coming on too strong?

"Damn it, Frankie," I muttered to myself, trying to quell the rising tide of anxiety that threatened to engulf me. "You've faced down countless industry executives, but one woman has you tied up in knots."

My phone vibrated, breaking the silence and pulling me from my thoughts. I glanced at the screen, heart pounding in anticipation. It was a message from Renee: "Hey, you! About time you reached out ;) How does 3 pm at The Grind sound?"

I couldn't help but smile at her playful tone, though part of me still felt wary of her intentions. I considered adopting a more professional stance, but something about her flirty demeanor loosened my inhibitions.

"That works perfectly for me!" I eagerly replied, my tone mirroring her playful energy. I clicked on a cheeky grin emoji to punctuate my response.

"I can't wait!" Renee wrote back, accompanied by a winking emoji and a gif of an excited puppy wagging its tail. Butterflies danced in my stomach at her words, and I paused for a moment before typing my reply.

"Get ready to be dazzled... or at least mildly entertained," I joked, chuckling softly as I hit send. Despite my nerves, there was an undeniable spark between us – one that only grew stronger with each exchange of messages.

"Counting down the minutes! See you soon," Renee responded, ending with a smiley face.

"See you there," I typed back, my heart racing as I set my phone down. It was official – I was meeting Renee for coffee, and there was no turning back now. 

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 - RENEÉ RAPPWhere stories live. Discover now