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The aroma of freshly ground coffee beans overwhelmed my senses as I stepped into The Grind. I paused at the entrance and took a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies performing aerial stunts in my stomach.

"Get it together, Frankie," I muttered under my breath. "It's just coffee with Renee. The incredibly talented, jaw-droppingly gorgeous Renee. No big deal at all."

Before I could psych myself out further, a blur of platinum blonde hair engulfed me in a fierce bear hug.

"Frankie!" Renee exclaimed, squeezing me tight. "So freaking pumped you're here!"

I tensed up momentarily, caught off guard by the enthusiastic display of affection. But as the warmth from Renee's embrace seeped into my bones, the tension melted away. I found myself leaning into the hug, breathing in her sweet floral perfume.

Renee pulled back first, holding me by the shoulders and grinning from ear to ear. "I'm buying today, no arguments."

She looped her arm through mine and led me towards the counter. I couldn't keep the smile off my face. Maybe I didn't need to hype myself up after all. With Renee, it felt natural to let my guard down and enjoy the moment. This "coffee date" was off to an unexpectedly great start.

We grabbed our coffees and settled into a cozy booth in the back corner. Renee wasted no time launching into playful banter, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

I couldn't help but chuckle at Renee's infectious energy, her laughter filling the air like a melody I couldn't resist. As we bantered back and forth, I noticed her gaze lingering on my tattoos peeking out from under the sleeves of my shirt.

"Hey, Frankie," Renee said, her voice dropping into a softer tone that sent a shiver down my spine. "Your tattoos are seriously cool. Mind if I take a closer look?"

I nodded, feeling a flush rise to my cheeks as she gently pushed up the fabric of my sleeve. Her fingers traced the intricate designs on my arm, and she let out a low whistle of appreciation.

"These are amazing," Renee breathed, her breath sending goosebumps cascading down my skin. "Each one is like a piece of your soul etched into your skin. I love it."

Her words made me feel seen in a way I hadn't expected. Before I could respond, Renee reached for the pen that was on the table and uncapped it, her gaze never leaving mine.

"Can I?" she asked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. Without waiting for an answer, she began doodling on my arm, adding swirls and flourishes to my existing tattoos with surprising skill.

I watched in awe as the pen danced along my skin, creating a beautiful fusion of her creativity and my personal ink. The intimacy of the moment sent a rush of warmth through me, mingling with the tingling excitement that always seemed to accompany my moments with Renee.

As she finished her impromptu artwork, Renee leaned back to admire her handiwork, a satisfied smile playing on her lips. "There! Now you've got a little piece of me with you wherever you go."

I studied the intricate patterns she had added, feeling a swell of emotion in my chest. It was such a small gesture, yet it spoke volumes about the connection we shared.

"Thank you,"


Frankie looked effortlessly chic, her loose button up accentuating her toned arms, while her black carpenter hugged her figure perfectly.

As we sat sipping our coffee, she shared stories of growing up in Manchester, her accent making my heart flutter. "The girls back home used to swoon over my accent," she said with a playful grin. "They found it dead charming." I couldn't help but tease back, "More like dead sexy." Her gaze met mine, a glint of amusement in her eyes. Heat rushed to my cheeks – did I just say that out loud? Frankie's laughter filled the air as she bumped her shoulder against mine, easing the tension with her charm.

"How about your dating history?" Frankie's unexpected question threw me for a loop. I sidestepped the inquiry by outlining my ideal physical type, inadvertently sketching a portrait of Frankie herself.

"I have a thing for girls who rock short blonde hair, tattoos, you know, that edgy vibe," I rambled on, emphasizing the masculine energy that drew me in. As I described these features, I noticed Frankie's eyes widening slightly, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

Pausing for a sip of my coffee, I couldn't resist adding playfully, "...and maybe someone devastatingly attractive?" A mischievous glint danced in Frankie's eyes as my words hit home. My heart raced with excitement; was she realizing that I was talking about her?

"Suddenly feeling like you've seen a ghost?" I teased with a confident grin as Frankie fumbled for words, her usually composed demeanor faltering under the spotlight of my attention.

The 'coffee hangout' stretched on, our chatter keeping us hooked. Outside, the night air was crisp, and neither of us was in a hurry to split. "Today was awesome," Frankie whispered, her voice low and intimate.

As Frankie fiddled with her short hair, I couldn't help but admire how effortlessly attractive she looked, even in such a nervous state. Her fingers ran through the soft locks, causing them to fall into a perfectly messy yet alluring style. I couldn't stop my eyes from lingering on her hair, admiring its natural wave and the way it framed her face.

With a sudden surge of desire, I planted a kiss on her cheek, my lips grazing her ear seductively as I pulled away with a teasing smirk.

"I'll see you around" 

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 - RENEÉ RAPPWhere stories live. Discover now