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I'm thrilled I dragged my friends out tonight because now, in my living room, I'm face to face with Frankie. Her style is impeccable, a slightly cropped t-shirt teasingly revealing a hint of her toned stomach that sends shivers down my spine. We're both catching our breath from dashing up the stairs, our eyes locked with anticipation.

Feeling Frankie's lips on mine at the club was like winning the lottery. A wave of heat surged through me, catching me off guard with its intensity. I had thought I'd be the daring one, but Frankie's courage left me pleasantly stunned.

Frankie's smirk is dangerously enticing, making my knees turn to jelly. "How can she be this stunning?" I wonder silently. As she moves closer, her kiss is passionate yet slightly clumsy. The lingering taste of alcohol on her lips from our earlier club encounter explains the eager but haphazard embrace.

Having had a few drinks myself at the club, I don't mind the carefree nature of our kiss.

I love it when Frankie takes charge like this, even though I find her responses endearingly awkward when I flirt with her in the studio. All our playful banter has been building up to this moment. As our lips meet, we move over to the couch, Frankie easing herself down as I straddle her. Running my fingers through her short, blonde hair, I tilt her head to the side to access her neck. Planting a trail of soft kisses and teasing nibbles along her skin, leading up to her earlobe. A low moan escapes Frankie's lips as she savors the sensation, murmuring in her Manchester accent, "Oh, babe." Her unexpected openness catches me off guard but in the best way possible.

A sudden shift in Frankie's demeanor caught Reneé's attention, but she didn't mind as she had enjoyed letting Frankie take charge for now. As Frankie stood up, she effortlessly lifted Reneé with her, their bodies pressed closely together. For a brief moment, Frankie's balance wavered and she had to take a step to steady herself. This caused Renée to laugh nervously and quip, "You're not going to drop me, are you?" But Frankie confidently replied, "Don't worry, I've got you." With a smirk on her lips, Frankie gently placed Reneé on the plush couch and then positioned herself between her legs. She leaned down for a passionate kiss, igniting a fire within both of them.

As Frankie and I kiss, her hips move sinuously against mine, igniting a fierce heat within me. My fingers grasp at the fabric of Frankie's shirt, silently urging her to shed it. With a sly grin, Frankie complies, revealing her sculpted and tattooed torso adorned with a sleek sports bra. "Your turn," she teases, creating space for me to undress.

I sense Frankie's appreciation as my shirt comes off, knowing she's enjoying the sight since I opted out of wearing a bra today. Without hesitation, Frankie captures one of my breasts with her lips while her hand possessively cups the other. A moan escapes my lips involuntarily as I thread my fingers through Frankie's hair, lost in the intoxicating moment.

I pull her back up, our lips meeting in a tangle of desire that almost sends us tumbling off the couch. We both burst into laughter at our near-miss. "Do you happen to have a bed too?" Frankie quips, her eyes sparkling mischievously. I nod eagerly, and with a playful grin, she rises from the couch. Taking her hand in mine, I lead her to my bedroom.

Gently pushing Frankie down onto the bed, I revel in the anticipation that crackles between us. Slowly, deliberately, I begin to further undress, letting her gaze linger on me as I shed each layer. The air is thick with unspoken tension as we engage in this silent dance of dominance.

Her eyes, a vivid shade of green filled with eager curiosity, follow my every move hungrily. Frankie sits up, reaching out to take my hand as she perches on the edge of the bed. Her touch sends shivers down my spine as her right hand starts its tantalizing journey up the inside of my thigh, pausing teasingly just before reaching its destination.

The intensity of our connection is palpable as desire simmers between us. In this moment, with Frankie's gaze locked on mine and her touch igniting a fire within me, I know without a doubt that I want this – want her – more than anything else in the world right now.

Frankie's gaze locks with mine, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she boldly inquires, "Do you crave me?" I can't help but smirk at her audacity and reply, "Oh baby, the desire I feel for you is unlike anything I've ever known." A sly smile plays on my lips as her finger delicately slips between my folds, eliciting a soft moan to escape my lips. Her touch is electric, teasingly alternating between tracing patterns around my entrance and dancing over my sensitive clit.


Looking up at Reneé, reveling in the sensation of her body responding to my touch, sends a rush of electricity through me. Sensing her legs quivering from standing for too long, I gently guide her to lie down on the bed. Positioning myself between her legs once more, I'm met with the breathtaking sight of her naked form before me.

Leaning in to capture her lips in a kiss, my right hand resumes its intimate dance, circling her clit with deliberate precision. The sound of Reneé's moan mingles with our shared breath as she playfully accuses me of being a tease. "Want more, baby?" I counter with a mischievous grin, catching her off guard with the endearment.

Her response is laced with confidence as she meets my gaze and declares, "I want all of you." Her words ignite a fire within me as I ease two fingers inside her. With each deliberate movement, I gradually increase the pace, maintaining unbroken eye contact that speaks volumes.

As the tempo quickens, Reneé's nails leave their mark on my back, adding an edge of urgency to our shared moment.

Continuing my movements, I trail kisses down her body, savoring every inch until I reach the destination. With a mischievous grin, I meet Reneé's eyes, prompting an eye roll from her. "I want you, Frankie," she breathes out.

I start by kissing her clit tenderly, treating it as delicately as her lips, eliciting soft moans of my name from her. As my pace quickens, I sense her muscles tensing around my fingers. Glancing up at Reneé, I'm struck by her breathtaking beauty. She's flawless in every aspect, fueling my desire to please her completely.

Her moans crescendo as she nears the edge, spurring me on with renewed determination.

I continue, delving deeper and deeper until she finally reaches the pinnacle of pleasure. With delicate care, I withdraw my finger, using my mouth to clean up the aftermath. As I do so, Reneé's body shivers in response, her breath catching in her throat. The air is thick with the heady scent of desire and the sound of our ragged breathing fills the room. She looks at me with eyes glazed over with pleasure, her lips parted in a silent expression of ecstasy.

I pull myself back up to Reneé, and she teases, "You're great there, you know?." I shoot back, "I am?" with a smirk. "Well, now it's my turn to treat you," Reneé replies, flashing me that mischievous grin as she climbs on top of me. However, I fake a yawn. "Mind if we take a raincheck? I'm beat," I say, trying to dodge the moment. Reneé looks taken aback. "Strange way to ask for a second date, but sure," she responds. Mentally kicking myself, I realize I've completely forgotten what a rain check means. Uncertain whether I want this to become a repeat occurrence or even more than that, I push those thoughts aside and decide to simply savor the present moment.


very steamy... what do you guys think?

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 - RENEÉ RAPPWhere stories live. Discover now