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I silently hope Olaf doesn't spot Reneé. It's not that I mind seeing her, but chatting is the last thing on my mind right now. A quick hello would suffice, adding a touch of mystery wouldn't hurt either. While we wait for our drinks at the Grind, Olaf scans the place like a hawk on the hunt for a snack (a cute guy).

He nudges me, "Dude, look over there, it's Reneé."

"Oh, really?" I feign ignorance. "Let's find a table," I suggest. "Or even better, let's grab our drinks to go."

"Why don't you go say hi?" Olaf counters. "It's the least you can do after last night."

"Oh my god, Olaf! Zip it," I hush him. "You're such a typical boy sometimes," Olaf sighs dramatically. "Give that girl some attention."

"As if you'd chat up all your flings the very next day. I was in her bed this morning; why would I need to strike up a conversation again?"

"Because you're hoping for round two-" Olaf starts but gets interrupted.

"Hey Frankie," Renée swoops in out of nowhere, catching us mid-banter. I play it cool, feigning surprise as I greet her with a nonchalant "Hi Renée." She smirks, her smile lighting up the room, and quips, "We keep running into each other so often; I'm starting to think you're stalking me." Olaf jumps in with his signature wit, suggesting, "Or maybe it's fate." I glance between Renée and Olaf, thinking they're probably the most unpredictable duo ever.

Olaf decides to stir the pot further by introducing himself as "Frankie's boyfriend." Renée raises an eyebrow at him before shaking his hand and deadpanning, "I hate to break it to you, Olaf, but Frankie here is a cheater."

Olaf jokes, "Oh Jeez, that explains why she's always talking about you." I can practically hear the mischievous grin in his voice. Internally, I cringe at being the center of attention. A blush rises on my cheeks as Renée glances in my direction. "You talk about me, baby?" Her use of that endearing nickname sends a jolt through me; she knows its effect all too well. But I won't let her see how much it flusters me. "After last night, can you blame me?" I retort with feigned confidence, masking the whirlwind of emotions brewing inside.

Renée seems momentarily surprised by my bold response. As the barista calls out our orders – an iced latte for me and a caramel cappuccino for Olaf – signaling the end of our encounter, I feel a pang of reluctance to part ways.

"We should get going, text me?" The words slip out before Renée can reply, a mix of hope and uncertainty coloring my tone.

I practically have to yank Olaf out of the coffee shop, and as we step outside, his face lights up with the biggest grin I've ever seen. "You're terrible," I tease him, trying to hide the flutter in my chest. Olaf just chuckles, his eyes mischievous. "Oh, come on, you're totally smitten," he playfully accuses me.

Confusion clouds my mind as I shoot back, "What are you talking about?" His next words catch me off guard, "It's written all over your face. She gets under your skin, doesn't she? You're like a little masc puppy around her." The comparison makes me scoff lightly. "I highly doubt that. It's not like I'm not holding my own ground; she's the one who keeps flirting."

Olaf raises an eyebrow with a knowing smirk, "And you don't enjoy it?" His teasing tone hits a nerve somewhere deep within me. Swallowing hard, I try to deflect with a casual shrug. "I'm just going with the flow for now. Not really looking for anything serious." 


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 - RENEÉ RAPPWhere stories live. Discover now