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Sundays held a different rhythm for everyone. While some sought solace in church or indulged in elaborate family breakfasts, for me and Olaf, it was all about hitting the pavement. Sunday meant one thing: run day with my fearless wingman, Olaf.

Olaf, my personal "terror twink" and partner-in-crime, crossed paths with me at a queer running club that we both low-key joined to check out the eye candy. I still remember the moment when Olaf strutted over to me, oozing charm and confidence, only to realize I wasn't a boy toy like he had expected. And from that amusing mix-up onwards, our Sunday ritual was born.

Our runs weren't just about fitness; they were about shared laughter, deep conversations, and the unbreakable bond we forged along the way. It was during one of our sweaty Sunday sessions that I first laid eyes on Annie – Olaf's roommate turned our honorary third musketeer.

Annie brought a spark of energy and creativity into our dynamic trio that felt like destiny had intervened. The three of us together? Soulmates in every sense of the word – connected by more than just miles on the running track but by an unspoken understanding and unwavering support for each other.

Still a bit groggy from the previous night's escapades, I was caught off guard when Olaf nearly leaped over me. "Hi lover, how was your night with the lesbian messiah?" Olaf's direct question didn't faze me; Annie must have spilled the beans about me heading home with Renée.

"Lovely," I replied, dripping with sarcasm. He shot me a knowing look, and I added, "I'll spill the tea after our run."

"Agreed," Olaf nodded as we began stretching. Leave it to him to crack a joke about how quickly Renée probably hit her high note with me before darting off ahead of me. I chased after him, falling into an easy rhythm as we hit our stride.

It wasn't a hardcore marathon training session; just a casual run that allowed us to chat and catch up on the week's gossip.

Olaf and I dove headfirst into the latest gossip swirling around Annie's dating life. "Have you heard about Chandler ditching Annie for a sports night? Total classic move," Olaf spilled, his expression a mix of shock and amusement. I couldn't help but laugh, shaking my head at Annie's penchant for those predictably boring finance guys. "I mean, are we really surprised? Chandler is even worse than Ted," I quipped back, noting Annie's strange attraction to dudes with sitcom names.

"But hey, spill the tea on your adventures last night," I prodded Olaf, genuinely curious about his escapades. "You want me to spill while you're keeping mum about Reneé fucking Rapp or maybe even fucking Reneé Rapp?" Olaf shot back mischievously. "It's not that big a deal, we just hooked up, simple as that" I replied coyly but with a hint of pride. Bagging Renée was definitely a feather in my cap; every queer girl in LA was swooning over her right now.

"Planning on a repeat performance?" Olaf inquired, his curiosity palpable as we continued our run through the vibrant streets of Los Angeles.

I shrugged, my breath syncing with the rhythm of my footsteps. "Who knows? I left it open-ended. Doubt she'll reach out though, busy schedules and all that. Plus, I'm not exactly in the market for anything serious."

Olaf persisted, "And if she does text?"

I chuckled, a burst of laughter escaping me. "Why would she?"

"Come on," Olaf teased, his playful tone matching the mischievous glint in his eyes. "Word on the street is you're quite the legend in bed. Remember Lisa from Precinct raving about it?"

Rolling my eyes playfully, I quipped back, "Oh yeah, that's me—legendary." Pausing for a moment to catch my breath, I added thoughtfully, "I mean, sure, I wouldn't be opposed to a round two. She's chill."

Olaf raised an eyebrow knowingly as we jogged past a row of colorful murals adorning the walls. "You're such a poser. We both know Renée is totally your type."

Chuckling at his observation, I couldn't deny the truth in his words as we continued our run through the sunlit streets of LA.

We hit the pavement, our sneakers rhythmically pounding against the sidewalk as we run through the bustling streets of LA. The city's energy swirls around us, but in these moments, it's just Olaf and me lost in our thoughts, with only the occasional conversation breaking the comfortable silence. It's a ritual that feels like therapy, a weekly escape from the chaos of life.

Navigating through the crowded streets is second nature to us now; we've mastered a route that strikes the perfect balance between peaceful and trendy. Passing by chic coffee bars where LA's finest gather, we can't help but revel in being the eye-catching duo everyone sneaks a glance at.

Glancing at my sports watch, I nudge Olaf playfully. "Last 500 meters, ready?" I challenge him with a grin. We always sprint to decide who buys the mandatory after run coffee.

Olaf's mischievous smirk tells me he's more than up for the challenge. "Ready, you speedy devil," he retorts.

With a quick countdown, we take off like lightning bolts. Despite Olaf's height advantage, my training kicks in as I push myself forward. The race to our finish line at the Grind is exhilarating; each step propelling me closer to victory.

Crossing that final stretch first fills me with an electric thrill – today's run has been exactly what I needed to clear my mind from the whirlwind of the week and thoughts of Renée.

I slow my breathing, feeling the adrenaline ebb away as Olaf's firm grip envelops my hand in a congratulatory shake. His eyes sparkle with genuine pride, and a mischievous grin tugs at the corners of his lips, adding a playful glint to his gaze.

"I'll have an iced latte," I order confidently as we enter Grind, throwing a playful wink over my shoulder at Olaf who chuckles in response.

Amidst the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee, there she is – Renée, with her tousled blonde locks cascading effortlessly around her as she delicately sips on her vibrant matcha latte.


added Olaf and Annie to the introduction chapter so if you want to see their aesthetic be sure to check that out :) 

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 - RENEÉ RAPPWhere stories live. Discover now