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I woke up in Reneé's bed, sunlight peeking through the curtains. The sheets wrapped around me, holding memories of the night. Clothes scattered around, laughter lingering in the air. Her favorite song softly playing, mixed with her perfume on the pillows. Stretching under the covers, I smiled at how I ended up here. Her breathing beside me, a picture of trust and vulnerability in the morning quiet. In this moment, everything outside felt insignificant compared to our shared affection.

Meeting Reneé's gaze, I couldn't help the smile that crept onto my lips, matching the warmth in her hazel eyes. The air crackled between us, carrying echoes of our shared laughter and late-night conversations like a lingering tune. "Morning," I whispered, my voice laced with sleepiness and unspoken possibilities. In that instant, with Reneé's smile mirroring mine, a wave of affection flooded through me, bridging the gap between us with a silent connection that spoke volumes beyond words.

"Morning, baby," Reneé's casual greeting sends a jolt through me. "Slept well?" she asks, her voice smooth like honey. "With you beside me? Of course," I reply, making her smile even wider.

I'm not one to stick around the morning after a hookup, but I can't bring myself to leave before she wakes up. I glance at Reneé and ask for the time. "Got somewhere to be?" she questions, her hazel eyes sparkling with mischief. "I was thinking we could grab some breakfast or something."

My mind is still foggy from just waking up. "No, yes... Well, I have a ton of deadlines to tackle so maybe rain check?" I suggest hesitantly.

"That's two "rain checks" already," Reneé teases, referring to our night together. I sit up, feeling the weight of my busy schedule. "I'm too swamped for anything serious right now," I admit.

Reneé leans in closer, a playful smirk on her lips. "Who says I want something serious?" Her flirtatious tone catches me off guard, and for a moment, the air crackles with unspoken possibilities.

I quickly get up to gather my clothes, scattered haphazardly across the room, slipping them on with a casual grace. Reneé's eyes follow my movements, a soft smile playing on her lips as she watches me navigate her space. Once dressed, I make my way over to her, leaning in close as our lips meet in a tender kiss.

The sensation is sweet and lingering, igniting a spark of something more profound between us. Pulling back ever so slightly, I can't help but smile down at Reneé. "You do have my number, don't you? Promise you'll text me," I whisper softly.

Her smile mirrors mine as she nods in agreement, promising to keep in touch, sealing this moment with an unspoken promise of more to come.

Exiting the apartment, I practically hum with a blend of contentment and eagerness, my thoughts already sprinting ahead to what lies in store. As I cross the threshold into the morning sunlight, a wave of hope and excitement floods through me, enveloping my chest in a fluttering surge of energy that urges me onward. The golden rays kiss my skin, infusing me with a sense of renewed purpose and possibility. The day stretches out before me like an open road


"See you soon," Frankie's voice lingers in the air as she shuts the door gently behind her, almost like a gentle command for me to stay nestled in the warmth of my bed. She's the first girl who's come this close since Alissa, a pang of hurt echoing within me at that thought. Frankie mentioned she wasn't seeking anything serious, and truth be told, I'm not sure if I am ready for it either, despite her being the epitome of serious relationship material.

She may appear tough on the outside, but there's a sweetness to her that catches me off guard every time. And oh, she's more than just good in bed; there's an allure about her that transcends mere physicality. As I lay here contemplating our brief encounter, I can't help but wonder when our paths will cross again, because I'm going to make sure they will.

𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐃𝐈𝐎 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 - RENEÉ RAPPWhere stories live. Discover now