Chapter 21

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As I slowly woke from the haze of sleep, the first thing I became aware of was the deep, soft snore emanating from beside me. My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the dim light filtering through the curtains. And there he was, lying next to me like some dark, brooding god.

Kael's form sprawled across the bed, his muscular frame stretched out with an almost feral grace. At 6'4, he dominated the space around him, his broad shoulders and chiseled chest a testament to his strength. Even in sleep, his presence was commanding, a silent reminder of the power he held over me.

Piercing gray eyes flickered beneath heavy lids, framed by dark, unruly hair that tumbled in disarray around his face. His features were rugged and angular, with a hint of danger lurking just beneath the surface. Every line and curve of his body spoke of raw masculinity, a potent allure that both terrified and thrilled me.

As I watched him sleep, a mix of fear and fascination coursed through my veins. He was my captor, the man who had torn me from my life and thrust me into this twisted world of darkness and desire. And yet, despite the horrors he had inflicted upon me, there was something undeniably captivating about him.

My gaze wandered to his phone, lying innocently on the bedside table. In that moment, a reckless impulse surged within me. With trembling fingers, I reached out and grabbed the device, my heart pounding in my chest as I unlocked the screen.

But before I could delve into its contents, a soft groan escaped Kael's lips, and my breath caught in my throat. Hastily, I set the phone back down, my pulse racing with a mixture of fear and exhilaration. As Kael shifted beside me, I held my breath, hoping he wouldn't awaken and catch me in the act.

But instead of stirring, he merely rolled onto his side, his breathing deep and even once more. With a sigh of relief, I allowed myself to relax slightly, though the tension still hummed beneath my skin like a live wire.

In the quiet of the room, I couldn't help but steal another glance at him, taking in every detail of his sleeping form. The way his chest rose and fell with each breath, the faint stubble shadowing his jawline, the curve of his lips softened in slumber—all of it held a strange, inexplicable allure.

And as I lay there, trapped in the darkness with this enigmatic man, I couldn't shake my nerves.

As the temptation to grab his phone overwhelmed me, I steeled myself for the risk. Slowly, I reached out again, my fingers trembling with a mix of fear and determination. The device lay within my grasp, a tantalizing prize that held the potential to unlock my prison.

But just as my hand closed around it, a low growl cut through the silence, freezing me in place. Kael shifted beside me, his eyes flickering open with a dangerous glint. Caught in the act, I recoiled, my heart pounding in my chest as I braced for his wrath.

Yet instead of anger, a twisted smirk tugged at the corners of his lips. "Trying to play detective, are we?" he murmured, his voice laced with dark amusement. "You should know by now, Ava. There are some secrets that are better left undisturbed."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, a potent mix of fear and fascination coursing through my veins. I met his gaze, my defiance warring with the undeniable pull he exerted over me.

But as his hand snaked out to grasp my wrist, pulling me closer with a strength that left me breathless, I found myself succumbing to his dominance once more. His touch was both rough and tender, a tantalizing contrast that set my skin ablaze with desire.

And when his fingers trailed down my trembling form, teasing and taunting with each caress, I couldn't help but gasp at the electric jolt that shot through me. His touch ignited a fire within, a primal need that begged to be sated.

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