Chapter 27

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As I slowly blinked my eyes open, the dim light of the room filtering through the haze of my consciousness, I felt a jolt of fear course through me. My body ached, every muscle protesting as I tried to move. I winced as I became aware of the bruises and cuts that littered my skin, souvenirs of Kael's relentless torment.

And then, as my senses sharpened, I felt his warm breath against my thighs, his tongue tracing delicate patterns of fire against my skin. I gasped, a mixture of pleasure and horror flooding my senses as I realized what he was doing.

"You sick bastard," I spat, my voice laced with defiance even as my body betrayed me, arching instinctively into his touch. "Get away from me."

But Kael only chuckled darkly, the sound sending a shiver down my spine as he continued his intimate assault. "You can fight all you want, Ava," he murmured against my skin, his voice dripping with dark amusement. "But deep down, you know you want this."

I clenched my fists, my nails digging into my palms as I fought against the overwhelming tide of pleasure that threatened to consume me. "I'll never want you," I snarled, my voice raw with defiance. "You're nothing but a twisted monster."

His laugh was cruel, echoing through the room as he pressed his lips against my most intimate places, his touch both punishing and intoxicating. "Call me what you will, Ava," he breathed, his words sending shivers down my spine. "But you'll soon learn that there's pleasure to be found in the darkness."

And as he claimed me again and again. My body quivered with a mixture of revulsion and desire as he continued to ravage me, each touch igniting a fire within me that I struggled to extinguish. But even as I fought against him, a part of me couldn't deny the twisted pleasure that coursed through my veins, leaving me breathless and desperate for more.

"You're mine, Ava," he growled, his voice a low, guttural sound that sent shivers down my spine. "You'll always be mine."

I bit back a moan, my resolve crumbling as he pushed me to the brink of ecstasy, his touch both cruel and intoxicating. "No," I whispered, the word barely a breath as I surrendered to the darkness that threatened to consume me.

And as I succumbed to him completely, I knew that there was no escaping the twisted web he had woven around me. Each moment spent in his grasp was a descent into madness, a journey into the darkest depths of desire and despair. And as his fingers traced patterns of fire across my skin, I found myself losing all sense of time and space, consumed by the raw intensity of our connection.

"Say it, Ava," he demanded, his voice a low, commanding growl that sent shivers down my spine. "Say you belong to me."

I swallowed hard, the words catching in my throat as I struggled against the overwhelming urge to surrender. But in the end, resistance was futile. With a trembling voice, I uttered the words he longed to hear, sealing my fate with a whispered confession of submission.

And as he claimed me once more, I knew that there was no going back. I was his, body and soul, bound to him by chains of desire and desperation. Each touch, each caress, only served to deepen the twisted bond between us, ensnaring me further in his dark embrace.

But even in the midst of our depraved dance, a spark of defiance still flickered within me. With every breath, every moan torn from my lips, I fought against the chains that bound me, refusing to fully surrender to his will.

"You think you can break me," I gasped, my voice laced with a mixture of pain and defiance. "But I'll never be yours, Kael. Never."

His laughter echoed through the room, a cold, cruel sound that sent a chill down my spine. "We'll see about that, Ava," he murmured, his words dripping with menace. "We'll see." 

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