Chapter 40

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I walk beside Kael, his hand possessively gripping my exposed back, sending shivers down my spine. The ballroom is filled with laughter and music, but my heart is heavy with dread. As we approach our table, surrounded by a mix of faces, I hear a voice that freezes me in place.

"Ava?" My father's shocked voice cuts through the noise, and I turn to see him staring at me, disbelief written all over his face. Panic grips me, and I glance nervously at Kael, unsure of how to handle this unexpected encounter.

But Kael's grip tightens, a silent warning not to cause a scene. Ignoring the tumult of emotions swirling inside me, I force myself to maintain a composed facade, masking the turmoil beneath the surface.

My father's eyes flicker between Kael and me, his expression a mix of concern and confusion. I can see the questions forming in his mind, the disbelief at seeing his daughter in the company of someone like Kael. But before he can voice his thoughts, Kael smoothly interjects, his voice dripping with charm.

"Mr. LaSalle, what a pleasant surprise," Kael says, his tone falsely congenial. "I was just introducing myself to your lovely daughter. She's quite the charmer, isn't she?"

I swallow hard, fighting to keep the tremor out of my voice as I force a tight smile. "Yes, Father, we were just... getting acquainted," I manage to say, my words feeling like a betrayal.

But Kael's hand on my back is a constant reminder of the power he holds over me, the consequences of defying him too severe to contemplate. And so, with a heavy heart, I force myself to play along, to smile and nod as Kael continues his false pleasantries with my father.

The sound of the music fades away as my mind is consumed by memories of how I ended up here, in this nightmare. Kael had kidnapped me, seeking vengeance against my father for some perceived slight. And now, I was trapped in this web of darkness, forced to endure his twisted desires.

I glance nervously between my father and Kael, feeling the weight of their gazes bearing down on me like a suffocating blanket. My heart pounds in my chest, every beat echoing in my ears as I struggle to maintain my composure.

When my father speaks, his voice is strained with concern. "Ava, can we speak in private?" he asks, his eyes pleading with me to comply. But as I steal a glance at Kael, his silent command is clear: no.

Trembling, I open my mouth to respond, but before I can utter a word, my father continues, his words sending a fresh wave of panic crashing over me. "I heard from Alex," he says, his voice tinged with worry, and my heart jumps in my chest.

Kael's expression darkens, a storm brewing behind his icy facade. He doesn't say a word, but his dominating glare is enough to silence me. I know that any defiance on my part will only result in consequences far worse than I can bear.

As the announcer takes the stage and calls for everyone to take their seats, my mind whirls with fear and apprehension. The auction is about to start, a twisted display of depravity that I have no desire to witness.

But as Kael leads me to our table, his grip like iron around my wrist, I know that I have no choice but to obey. My clumsiness has never been more pronounced as I trip over my own feet, stumbling forward into Kael's chest.

His hand shoots out, grasping my chin roughly and tilting my head up to meet his gaze. "Watch yourself," he growls, his voice a low warning that sends chill down my spine. But despite the fear coursing through me, a spark of defiance ignites within. With a sharp intake of breath, I wrench myself free from his grasp, my voice trembling but determined.

"No," I hiss, meeting his gaze with a fire I didn't know I possessed. "I won't be your puppet any longer."

Kael's eyes narrow, his jaw clenching with barely contained rage. But then, with a chilling calmness, he leans in close, his breath hot against my ear.

"You'll regret that," he murmurs, his words dripping with promise of punishment.

And as the auction begins, I steel myself for the horrors that await, knowing that this battle of wills is far from over.

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