chicago: jay and erin

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erin and jay are deciding who to invite to their wedding. jay wants to invite some of his friends from his army days and erin wants to invite her friends in la.

jay: hey erin?

erin: ye?

jay: theres these guys in the military that i was quite close with can i invite them?

erin: ye sure what are there names 

jay: thanks ok so tim bradford then eddie diaz and jim street 

erin: alright wait did you say jim street 

jay: ye is that ok 

erin: i was gonna ask to invite him 

jay: why 

erin: i grew up with jim in LA 

jay: thats cool anyone else you grow up with in LA

erin: ye actually

jay: what are there names 

erin: um evan buckley, lucy chen and matt casey 

jay: lucy chen?

erin: ye why?

jay: lucy is my sister

erin: seriously

jay: yep

e: wait lucy got married about a year back but i was at work you were aswell why didnt you go to your sisters wedding 

jay: hank wouldnt approve time off why didnt you go 

e: wait i would have known about you ive known lucy since i was 5 

jay: so my parents got divorced when i was 3 and my dad took my and will to chicago with him lucy was 5 so she knew who we were when she was 18 she flew out to see us 

e: right im sorry and hank wouldnt approve time off for me either 

jay: ok getting of track i know we are inviting casey but what about the rest of 51 

erin: ok they are off shift that day anyways

jay: will is coming and can we invite ethan im pretty close with him 

erin: ok and obviously our team 

jay: ye ok oh my dad aswell 

erin: all right put kim down aswell 

jay: done 

erin: done

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