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when lucy street and tim enter the kitchen erin notices them first 

erin: jesus luce you look like death 

lucy: so do you 

hank: did you kids have fun last night 

tim: you look like you did 

buck: i had fun, getting to know lucy's brothers was so much fun 

lucy: oh god 

jay: i had a great time

lucy: ye i did as well 

 hank: erin, jim did you not have fun 

erin: i don't know, i can't remember 

lucy: i can't remember half the night but that is always a good thing 

tim: always?

lucy: not always

erin: what did happen last night

hank: i don't know all i know is antonio called me to come get you drunk idiots 

street: how did you get us home there was like eight of us 

hank: gabby helped 

buck: so what happened when you brought us here

hank: buck you were sleeping on the sofa jay you were in the bathroom throwing up then you fell asleep in there the other 3 though that was amusing 

erin: what the hell did we do 

hank: you guys were arguing then jim started crying 

street: why

hank: you thought buck was dead which caused the other two to start crying and lucy 

lucy: what did i do 

hank: um you told erin to make her wedding into a funeral then she found jay and thought he was dead and told erin to cancel the wedding because he died

lucy: never done that before 

erin: nope 

tim: crazy, all of you 

lucy: that we are

jay: what we doing today 

hank: i am going to work you kids have fun 

lucy: bye uncle hank 

erin: see you later 

street: so me and buck have never been to chicago 

tim: i haven't either 

erin: how about you four have a guys day and me and lucy will have a girls day 

street: chris is getting in today why don't you invite her 

lucy: i like chris so why not, you guys can get will and matt to go to 

buck: ye ok

erin: we can bring gabby and and kim 

jay: you should introduce lucy to Natalie 

erin: alright lets go 

street: how? we are stuck here 

jay: we have legs right 

lucy: street when is chris getting in 

street: i can give you her number 

lucy: alright thanks

erin: lets go lucy 

lucy: alright bye guys 

tim: are you forgetting anything 

lucy: sorry 

lucy came back to give her husband a kiss 

lucy: is that better 

tim: much, see you later i love you

lucy: love you too 

street: you are so cute 

lucy: oh ha ha 

erin: bye everyone 

erin and lucy left 

jay: so what are we doing?

tim: maybe you could show us chicago we have never been here 

jay: i am gonna need a little help with that

buck: get will and matt to come then we can all go 

jay: alright 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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