mid-Wiltshire station and firetrucks

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After Matt Street and Buck leaves only lucy and erin on the call. 

l: you excited 

e: yep very stressed out though

l: i know im pretty sure tim nearly killed me at one point when i was planning ours

e: im really sorry i wasnt there uncle hank wouldnt give me any time off even though he knows you he wouldnt give it to jay either which is ridiculous 

l: no its fine really and when i see uncle hank i will make sure to tell him its not like he can fire me 

e: im sure he would love that he always like you the best when he came to visit 

l: oh i know anyways where are you going on your honeymoon 

e: we are not having one straight after the wedding but in the summer jay is taking me up to his grandfathers cabin for a week

l: that sounds nice

e: ye where did you go 

l: tim doesn't like the beach so we went skiing in canada 

e: well did you enjoy it at least 

l: oh ye it was fun we stayed in a cabin and there was lots of snow around 

e: sounds nice 

l: it was. tim are street are here 

e: alright

s: hey lulu

t: lulu?

l: don't start 

e: dont mind her tim she gets a bit annoyed at that nickname 

t: alright

s: so what were you guys talking about

e: wouldnt you like to know

s: i would actually 

l: i was telling erin about my honeymoon 

e: and i was telly lucy about what mines gonna be eventually 

s: eventually?

e: we are not going for a few months

they all see jay walk past erin not even looking 

j: going where 

e: on our honeymoon 

j: ok do we have any eggs babe 

e: why do need eggs 

j: im hungry 

e: like that answers my question 

street tim and lucy are all laughing on the phone 

j: wait are you still talking to them 

e: i am 

l: dont worry jay its only me street and tim 

j: now thats even worse. so eggs yes or no i cant find them 

t: if you cant find them i dont think there is any halstead

j: oh dont you talk bradford 

t: dont even start with that

e: lucy do you know what there talking about 

l: nope, street?

s: yes unfortunately 

e: tell us 

t: street 

s: nope not saying anything 

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