chicago: 21ist district

139 3 0

they are at district 21 now

lucy: you coming

will: he is my brother too just don't know how you will get past trudy

lucy: trudy loves me come on

trudy: lucy? is that you?

lucy: hey trudy good to see you

trudy: what are you doing here

lucy: i came in a couple hours ago and wanted to come here since i'm a little mad at uncle hank and you know i haven't seen my little brother in person for a while do you think you could buzz us up

trudy: yes of course and don't worry i told off chuckles for ignoring you

lucy: thanks your the best

trudy: no worries up you go

lucy: bye trudy

will: that women hates me

street: such a sweet talker lulu

will: lulu?

lucy: don't start all 3 of you

buck,street,will: sorry

when they get upstairs everyone is busy working so lucy goes to jay's desk and street and buck go to erins whilst will just watches

lucy: what you doing

jay: lucy! jesus christ you scared me

lucy: hey

jay: hi

jay gives lucy a hug

jay: missed you

lucy: missed you too

erin: what about me

buck: could never forget you erin

erin: where the hell did you come from

street: LA

erin: i know that smartass

erin gives both of them a hug then goes to hug lucy aswell

erin: i didn't know you were coming in

street: we all had the same idea but didn't tell each other

buck: ye lucy got here before us 2

street: and i got on the plane and buck was seated next to me

lucy: so wheres uncle hank

erin: his office

lucy: be right back

jay: ok

adam: soo?

jay: what

kevin: you just gonna ignore us

erin: nope

buck: hi

antonio: hi i'm antonio who are you guys

street: your matts brother in law

antonio: i am who are you guys

erin: this is buck and jim or street

jay: this is adam and kevin by the way and al

al: hey

adam: so you're from LA

buck: yes it is much warmer over there

street: still don't know why you moved here erin

erin: and i told you guys why

buck: ye ye uncle hank whatever

hank: what about me

street: hey uncle hank how are you

hank: hi jim stilll causing trouble

lucy: he is

buck: yep 

hank: not changed then. none of you have 

buck: that is not true 

lucy: how dare you say that hank 

erin: i mean he's not wrong 

lucy: so you're on his side 

erin: no 

hank: erin

erin: i'm done i can't win 

buck: good answer 

adam: this is lucy i'm guessing 

lucy: i am and who are you 

adam: adam 

lucy: never heard of you 

adam: what

buck: me either i know antonio and kim but not adam 

erin: what the hell are you two on about 

lucy: come on erin  

erin: what

lucy: never mind. uncle hank 

hank: yes lucy 

lucy: erin needs the rest of shift off

hank: i can't do that you know this

lucy: it is the least you could do after the heartbreak you caused me when you wouldn't allow my own brother any time of my wedding it was very important to me 

hank: fine 

lucy: thank you so much 

hank: ye ye back to work everyone 

adam: when did voight become like that 

erin: only for lucy

lucy: well i am his favourite  

street: that is true 

lucy: come on will your driving 

will: ok 

erin: bye guys 

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