Chapter 1

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THE weak snowflakes hit the window with a splat.

Charlie jolted back in surprise when one exploded right in front of her face, shaking her from her thoughts as she watched the icy sludge slowly drip down the glass in an agonising display. It lingered a little longer till the wind outside fluttered it away, into the ground where it melted along with the others, dampening the frost clinging to the earth.

She wished she could melt and disappear too.

The carriage then shook viciously, forcing her to place her hands to the walls for support, her gut churning with stress as she caught sight of the familiar brick wall covered in rime instead of rain this time around. Her pupils dilated as she stared at it from the window, hands starting to quiver with worry because she knew that it wouldn't be long now before she saw them again.

Her loving family that is.

The small window between her and the driver then slid open as the man called to her, "Are you alright Miss?"

She automatically nodded until she remembered that he wouldn't be able to see it, swallowing dryly and responding, "Fine thank you."

"Ice on the road makes for a rough ride," he apologised, shortly glancing back and Charlie only just managing to catch his fleeting smile. "We'll be there in a minute."

"No worries," she forced a beam back that most certainly didn't reach her eyes as her stomach did another flip at the confirmation. What a pity, she had hoped that this was just a bad dream she would wake up from at any moment.

The panel shut and she was left to her thoughts, bringing her thumb to her mouth to nip nervously at her nail. What would they say? Would they scold her straight away? In the letter they had sounded angry. Regina had told her not to worry too much about it but that was easier said than done. Regina was miles away safely hiding in Dushmore. She didn't have to witness her mother's disapproving stare. Naughty Charlette, surely they'll yell.

Her watch peeped once again out of the window to see the huge estate looming into view. Its grey walls seemed darker every time she came up the gravel road, the horses melodically clopping outside while the rainy snow tapped on her window. The wheels underneath groaned from the tiring journey and a part of her wished they would drop off to delay the meeting. Though it was far too late to avoid it now.

The fields were exactly as she remembered them, bare and currently covered with white frost that blankly glazed over the scene, seeping the life out of everything. At least during summer, the meadows seemed lush and green but during the winter months, this place was the portrait of depression.

The Ice Palace, she chose to call it- home to the Ice King and Queen.

Elias would be ecstatic to see her again, certainly. Her eyes rolled as she set an elbow on the small rim behind the glass, resting her forehead against her cold knuckles. Nails clenching and digging into her palm, she could only imagine what was about to unfold. They were livid, of course they were.

Another few seconds of rattling and then the driver's rusty voice called, "WOAH!" to the horses, slowing the cart down till all sounds ceased to exist.

Her eyes closed and chest became so tight that she felt she couldn't breathe. A deep breath in, and a deep breath out. It would be fine. It's not like they would subject her to any real punishment. Coming back home was punishment enough. Though a sliver of doubt struck through her like lightning when she fluttered them open to see her mother and Lord Elwood standing at the doorstep of the mansion, in their fluffy coats, stiffly craning their necks to make themselves as tall as mountains.

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