Chapter 2

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FOOTSTEPS rattled through the corridor. The sound vibrated off the walls, thundering through the whole house as the floor that they galloped across shook the ceiling on the level below, the maids who were going about their duties looking up in alarm.

Elias' feet darted across the red carpet neatly folded on the ancient floorboards of the manor, the wild claps of his little black shoes muffled by the fabric that twisted and creased with his every surge forward, wood underneath groaning and whining in protest for the two children to leave it in peace. However, the sound was crossly stamped out by the pounding of ten-year-old Charlie shooting after him, fire ablaze in her eyes with a wrathful rage.

"ELIAS GIVE HIM BACK!" she screamed, the sound bellowing through the hallway, down the stairs and along every corridor of the house.

Elias turned for a moment, catching some air with a satisfied, breathless grin spread wide on his face, stuffed brown dog toy with floppy ears grasped tightly in his hand, while he whipped back round and continued to run.


"Make me!" his shirt was ruffled out of his trousers by his haste, the draft whipping much stronger than it should have been due to his burst of speed as he raced past her room which he had been caught in five minutes prior, initiating the thrilling chase- or it was thrilling for him at least.

For Charlie... not so much, "ELIAS YOUR DEAD!"

"I'll tell my dad you said that!"

"Not if I snap your neck first!"

They continued down the corridor, Charlie's beloved childhood toy, Dougie, being strung along, captured and taken prisoner by the young boy while she madly lifted the hem of her skirt, heroically rushing to save him from his devious captor. Alas, Elias was always a head taller, and always a step faster than she was.

Her cheeks burned with heat, brow leaking with sweat and heart pounding with fear of losing her toy to him and utter hatred for his thieving habits, and him. He was a nasty boy. Nasty, nasty boy and he was always teasing her. Why this stupid boy had to be her stepbrother, she couldn't understand. And she hated fate for pairing them together.

"Elias I'm serious! Give him back! Please!"

He darted to the staircase, throwing himself on the banister after the first step, panting heavily and looking down, a horrid glint twinkling in his eye when he turned to her, "Shall we see if dogs can fly?!"


"He can be the first flying dog ever!"


"He's got floppy ears... surely he can flap them and fly away!"

"Elias!" her eyes were filled to the brim with tears, voice pleading him as she slowed and halted a metre away, starting to sniffle and whimper. "Please give him back."

"Or what?"

"It's not funny!" she wailed, rubbing her eyes and trying to take a step closer, panic seeping into her throat when the action caused him to lift Dougie by his furry foot and hold him menacingly over the railing. Stamping her foot with fury, she cried, "Elias stop!"

He gently swung the toy from side to side threateningly, running his teeth over his lower lip with thought and anticipation, greatly enjoying the game and her pitiful begs, "He'll finally get some real entertainment for once in his life."

"Elias!" she took another step to him but as she did so, he tossed his clutch away, the plush puppy jerking into the air then pummelling down while he jumped to the side with a wicked snigger. "NO!"

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