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"PSYCHO STALKER..?"I whispered and his smirk got widened.....

Suddenly he said

"Sorry love.." and covered my mouth

Then all I know was I were surrounded with darkness....



When I was washing Mehandi on my hands....Liba aunty(laina's mom)

Came to me and told to call Laina...I nodded at her and went to upstairs...

But I couldn't find her....

She were not in our room...or pool..and balcony..

I searched for her everywhere but there is no sign of her...

Then I again went to balcony to close the door...but something caught my attention....

Laina's one earing is in the ground.....

Normally in movies... when something bad happens......things like this will be kept as a proof......

What am I even thinking 🤦‍♀️...I got worried

I closed the door and run towards aunty then told her

"Liba aunty...,Laina is not in her room or anywhere ...and I found her earings on the balcony....." when I said these words...lot of reactions arised

Laina's professor and her zahir both of them stood up and looked at me in anger...

Oh come on u both...its not like I hided her somewhere....

I ignored them both and told everyone to start search for her


where did she went...? I hope nothing bad happens to her...

I went around the whole Palace calling her name...but there was no sign of her...

After one hour we all stopped searching for her and reported to the police....

All of us were sitting in the party area...

Laina's mom and sisters were crying...

While her brother was consoling them..
Her father was not present here so he don't know about this...

Suddenly Nezmin said something which made all of us to look at her

"Laina has a stalker...and he messaged her yesterday..."

""What did he messaged...?"asked zain

"He were threatening her....he said he will make her regret ....something like that."said helna

"It's been how long since she had a stalker....?" I asked

"More than 6 years now..." Nehrin said making all our eyes go widen....

Seriously she is stupid...I got angry and said

"Is she gone mad...? Who kept their stalker for more than 6 years even after knowing its danger...such a stupid girl..." when I said that a punch landed on my face...

I looked up to see Zain looking at me with his swollen red eyes

"You don't have any right to call her stupid....never call her with those names time...i will make sure....u have no tongue to speak about her like that..." he warned me...

I didn't do anything to him because he is actually right...why did I even said such things....

Suddenly Laina's cousin nehrin said

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