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I touched It and looked at him while looking shocked...and he looked at me in a shock and scared expression

"IT WAS YOU...?" I asked him in a low whisper...

"Darling....I can explain.." he said worriedly....

I pushed him from me....and glared at him.....

"You are the one who stalked me for 6years....why...? How....? I cant believe this.....u manipulated me........why....? I FUCKIN TRUSTED U ZAIN......THE PERSON I TRUSTED THE MOST WERE THE ONE WHO GAVE ME NIGHTMARES.....U WERE MY STALKER.......ALL THESE SIX YEARS U WERE THE ONE ....PLEASE TELL THIS IS A LIE......U R NOT HIM RIGHT..?" I looked at him and pleaded with my teary eyes....

He sighed....

"Laina darling.....I can explain....please just listen to me....."

" THEN EXPLAIN..." I said while glaring at him.....




"Zain u r rude nowadays....." said my annoying brother zoey....


" ur brother.....can't u do Atleast this one for me......" he said while showing his puppy eyes....

I sighed....

"Fine.....but this is final.....After this don't expect me to help u again" I said to him....

"Thankuuuuuuuu....u r the swwweeeetest brother....." he said while acting cute...

EWW...I rolled my eyes at him and look outside........

We both were sitting inside a cafe since my brother wants to hang out with me.....

At that time ....I saw two girls laughing and pushing each other playfully at the road side......

I smiled at them.....I miss my friends now.....

I were observing their happiness......suddenly two girls come out of nowhere......

At that time I saw her......the girl for whom I would do anything in future....

Her smile.......its gorgeous.....her small eyes and small lip.......and she had a dimple on her right cheek......her hair was a long straight hair.....and her hands looks so small.......and that meroon colour suits her skintone....

She looks beautiful......I thought to myself and stare at her....


"She looks pretty....." zoey said while looking at them.....

"Whom are u reffering to.....because that girl in meroon is mIne.....?" I said to him playfully

"Omo.....bro I'm talking about that girl in black .....near ur meroon.."said him.

I nodded at him and we both looked at them....

Suddenly four of them come towards this cafe....

we both looked at each other while our eyes widened....what if they saw us drooling over them.....?

That girls came and sit near our table....

We both started to act like we r busy......

Then we started to hear their conversation.......

"Guys I cant believe Nisha mam...told me to write that assignment again....I spent my whole night doing it...." said a girl in brown dress....

And my girl....I mean that meroon girl said...

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