Part 3: Rick O'Shay

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The dark haired girl with the red suit scoured every inch of Paris in search for this Shadowstar. Even when akumas were running amok, he never made his appearance. "Maybe he jumped on a flight to another city, my lady?" Cat Noir suggested as he looked over into the horizon as they remained perched on top of a building. Days had gone by since the incident, and the news had circulated that there was a vigilante on the loose with similar powers as the heroes. This naturally worried the public, but thankfully with the successful defense against the akumas since then Shadowstar never made a second appearance. Even so there were many speculations and questions regarding who this man was.

"It is a possibility, but I think he's still somewhere around Paris. He's probably just... waiting." Her eyes were drawn to the streets below her feet as Ladybug contemplated her thoughts once more. "Waiting on what though? For us to slip up?" Before Ladybug could answer Cat Noir, the rest of the gang such as Carapace, Ryuko, and Viperion arrived as well.

"No sign of akuma anywhere, and that guy hasn't turned up yet either." Carapace reported as the others spoke of the same thing. It was too quiet, and that bothered Ladybug. It was like the calm before a storm, and it was the storm that made Ladybug worried that Hawk Moth had something planned.

"Hawk Moth could be planning something, so be your guard. We'll patrol one more time and then we-" As if to signal the invisible storm that was brewing, a bang reverberated throughout the streets that caused several people to flinch and let out cries. "What was that? Fireworks?" Viperion questioned, but there were too many bangs occurring at a rapid pace.

"Whatever it is, it doesn't sound good. Let's go!" With that, the gang leapt their way towards the source of it.

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The sounds of gunfire was deafening as Shadowstar nimbly weaved out of the way from the bullets that ricochet seemingly from every direction. The source of the bullets was a middle aged man with a leather brim hat. In his hands was a pair of glock, but what was truly strange was that the bullets seem to rebound even when they strike the surface directly.

"Dammit! Why are you here in Paris?! Why couldn't you stay in London?!" That was before Shadowstar kicked a trash can hard towards the gunner's direction. Scattering the trash and the can itself at the man. He was backed against the wall as the man kept pulling the trigger over and over until he eventually ran out of bullets. In comparison however, to Shadowstar this one was easier to manage as the trash can slammed against the man's face.

Followed with a strong punch to the gut, the gunner doubled over as he vomited his breakfast over the trash. "Sorry, but I can't let you-" Just before he could finish that sentence, a familiar yo-yo rapidly circled around Shadowstar's body before it tightened to restrict his movements. His eyes widened as the premonition didn't warn him about this intervention. "Oh it's you again." Shadowstar groaned as he reluctantly turned only to be surprised there were others this time.

"That's right, and this time we brought friends!" Ladybug dropped as she still kept the string pulled as Cat Noir and the rest dropped behind her in a defensive stance. The gunner chuckled weakly. "Well would you look at that. Bunch o' heroes comin' to save lil' ol' me? That's ironic, but damn do I feel bad for you Shadowstar."

"Tell me about it. Speaking of which, I need information about something." Shadowstar nonchalantly asked the incapacitated man who only chuckled and waved the bound hero off with a dismissal hand. "Do not take your eyes off your opponent!" The one named Ryuko exclaimed as she dashed towards Shadowstar at incredible speed. One swipe of the crimson sword sent Shadowstar crashing against the stone wall. The force knocked the wind out of his lungs as he gasped for air.

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