chapter 1.

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The loud family, are a very famous family in royal woods why, because they are chaotic and destructive, but they're loving and kind, except to their one and only son Lincoln.

As right now Lincoln was sitting in the backyard in a squirrel costume, freezing,why is he in the backyard well, you see after being forced to go to a baseball game that he didn't want to go to by his sister Lynn, Lynn lost the game, then blamed Lincoln and called him bad luck,

After that Lincoln decided to lie, and make the rest of his family believe he was bad luck so he could have some much needed alone time, but it worked to well, as his family soon band him from his sister's activities and family activities like the beach and movie's, and when Lincoln snuck into another one of Lynn's game's in a squirrel costume to prove he wasn't bad luck, Lynn's team won and Lincoln revealed himself, he was soon after let back inside.

He thought that he finally put an end to this, but he was wrong as his family now believed he was good luck, but only with the squirrel costume, so now Lincoln was made to go to all his sister's activities, in the costume and was never allowed to take it off which meant that he also wore it to school, which caused him to be bullied a lot and he had no alone time.

Not only that but Lincoln's family also sold all his thing's, so now his room was just a closet again, but you might be wondering why he's back outside.

Well Lynn broke one of Luna's speakers, with her bat and immediately both blamed Lincoln's bad luck, so now Lincoln was back outside, and getting beating's from his sister's, especially Luna and Lynn.

As Lincoln was shivering in the cold air, the backdoor opened and his family came out,
Lincoln looked at them through the costume's eye hols, he was emotionless, as they walked over to him.

Lincoln:*thought* here we go.

Rita:*smiling*Lincoln your punishment is over.

Lincoln:*confused* punishment what punishment?.

Lori:*smiling* your bad luck punishment.

Lincoln:*even more confused* bad luck punishment?.

Leni:*smiling* yeah linky you know where we make you think we believe you where bad luck.

Lincoln:*shocked* what.

Lynn,sr: that's right sport, this was all one big punishment for lying.

Lincoln:*angry* so wait you knew I was lying, and did all this as a punishment.

Rita:*oblivious* that's right we needed to teach you a lesson for lying to us.

Lincoln: so everything from getting kicked out to wearing that squirrel costume was all just one big punishment.

Luna: yup hopefully this teaches you not to lie.

Lincoln:*mad* I I I-.

Lynn,SR: oh good you're going to apologise for lying.

Lincoln:*furious* I hate you!!!!.

Loud family:*gasp*

Leni: linky that isn't very nice.

Lincoln:*mad* no what isn't nice is suffering because my family thought this was a good idea.

Lynn,jr: it was for your own good, at least you no not to lie now.

Lincoln: my own good!!, I have been suffering because of you idiots, I have been laughed at bullied beaten, all because I lied did you even stop to think if what you're doing was a good idea.

Lincoln: clearly not because if you did, you'd realise that what you were doing is illegal.

Rita:*shocked* i-it is.

Lincoln: yess!!!, it is! It's called child abuse, child neglect, child abandonment, how could you not realise this.

Lynn,SR: we had no idea, Lisa did you know.

Lisa: yes.

Lori:*mad* then why'd you let us do this, why not tell us.

Luan: actually she tried to, and so did I, but none of you listened, to us.

Lincoln: you know your incredibly lucky, that cps didn't find out, otherwise most of you'd be in jail, myself Luan Lisa and lily would be in a foster home.

Lynn,SR: Lincoln son we had no idea, but that's still no reason to yell.

Lincoln: yes it is, you wanna know though how much you screwed up, because of you I wanted to run away, because of you I wanted and thought of killing myself, because of lily Luan and Lisa I didn't do either I wanted lily to grow up knowing me, I wanted to be there for my true sisters who helped me, if it wasn't for Luan and Lisa secretly helping me I'd off died a long time ago, and if it wasn't for lily I'd off run away or killed myself ages ago.

The family where horrified to hear Lincoln's words, they didn't expect this and each of them could feel their hearts shatter.

Lincoln: and do ya wanna no what the worst part is, it's the fact that I lied because I was afraid, afraid that if I told my sister
I didn't want to go to their event's they'd attack me,All because I was threatened to go to Lynn's game.

Luna:*shocked* what do you mean Lynn threatened you.

Lincoln:*annoyed* what I mean is I wanted to have some me time but instead I was threatened by Lynn to go to her baseball game and if I didn't she'd smash my skull in with her baseball bat, that's what I mean.

Lori: Lynn you threatened Lincoln!!.

Lynn:*worried* I-i just wanted h-him to go to my game.

Lori: by threating him.

Luna: we did all this because he lied, but he lied because he was afraid.

As soon as Luna said those words she froze,her family noticed this and spoke.

Lola: Luna are you alright?.

Luna: no I'm not, my own brother was afraid of us, afraid of me, oh god what have we done, we nearly caused Lincoln to run away or kill himself all because we were selfish.

As Luna said this she and the rest of the loud family began crying, all of them regretting their actions.

Lincoln: congratulations your realised it, just to late, thankfully some of you were smarter and didn't do what the rest did.

Rita:*crying* Lincoln sweetie we are so sorry, please if there's anything we can do to make it up to you name it.

Lincoln: tell me something, was it just you?.

Leni: what do y-you mean?.

Lincoln: you clearly didn't by the whole bad luck nonsense, but I'm wondering if it was just you, did other's know.

Lori: well your friends Clyde rusty Zach and Liam knew,they even helped out.

Lincoln narrow's his eye's as he speaks.

Lincoln: thought so, do me a favour and don't speak to me.

When Lincoln said this, he walked past them and to the house to take a shower and try and relax.

While his family were wondering,what would happen now, and would Lincoln forgive them.

End of chapter 1.

A/N: I changed a couple things and fixed some typos so you might want to reread this chapter.

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