chapter 6.

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It's been a week since Lincoln had asked Cristina out, and now he was getting ready for his date, as he was fixing his hair the door to his room opened and in walked Luna Luan and Lisa.

Luan: ready Linc.

Lincoln: more like nervous.

Luna: you'll be fine, so where are you taking her.

Lincoln: I'm taking her to Ketchum park, I reserved it for tonight.

Luan: you can do that.

Lisa: any particular reason for the park.

Lincoln: yes to both actually, during the night fireflies come out, so it'll look real nice also there'll be a meteor shower tonight, and the park will have the best view.

Luna: jeez Lincoln trying to outdo everyone else who's in a relationship.

Lincoln:*chuckle* no this is just natural.

Lincoln then looked thoughtful for a moment, before looking at Luna.

Lincoln: Luna I*sigh* I wanted to say thank you for everything, despite everything that happened it's nice to no I can count on you when it matters.

Luna:*teary eyed* always and for what it's worth I am sorry.

Lincoln:*smile* apology accepted sis.

Lincoln then hugs Luna, who starts crying as she hugs him back, Luan and Lisa join in to but the moment is interrupted by a knock on the door.

Lincoln: great it's the others.

Luan:*sigh* I'll get it.

Luan walked over to the door, and opened it revealing Leni and Lucy on the other side, the two walk in once the doors opened, much to the annoyance of Lincoln.

Lincoln:*annoyed*oh come in why don't you.

Leni: linky we know you don't want to see us.

Lucy: but we've got something you need to hear.

Lincoln: if you're here to apologise then save it, I'm not in the mood.

Leni: no it's not that, it's warning.

That sentence surprised Lincoln, as he looked at the duo, with a bit of curiosity.

Lincoln:*curious* what warning.

Leni: the others are planning to follow you on your date.

Lincoln: how the hell do you know about that.

Lincoln turns to Luna, as he spoke annoyed at the idea that she might of told the others.

Lincoln: Luna did you tell the others.

Luna: no I didn't I swear.

Lucy: she didn't, Lana stuck a hidden mic to her, and we all listened to it.

Lincoln: so your telling me you spied on me.

Leni: yes but that's not what's important, the others are planning to follow you and ruin your date so that Cristina girl won't talk to you, and so you'll be so heartbroken that you'll do as they say.

Lucy: Lynn came up with the plan, and the others thought it was a good idea, only me and Leni realised how it would fail, but they think it will work and think that once they do what they planned that you'll obey them.

Leni: they want to make you forgive us, for what we did and they want to make you date Ronnie-anne and then ground you for the way you've been acting.

Lincoln: and why are you telling me about this.

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