14 | Untold Truth Floating 🏳️‍🌈 ***

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Warning for mention of rape, please be aware and support Caenis in her quest.

"My name is Caenis, princess of Lapith, and this is my story. I was born female to the most caring king and queen, the only daughter they never had."

At her statement, Caenis wrinkled her nose, creating waves over her placid face, but nothing could wash away the pain she was about to reveal. Her chin shivered a little—a quickening sense of perspective and the release of a storm to the brine of her tears.

"When I was a little, nothing could tell the difference, apart from my mother forbidding me to play with swords like my brothers, as this is a boy's duty. I should rather go and pick some beautiful flowers, she used to say. I hate flowers. I hate their delicate petals, their frail body and their sweet scent, but soon I grew up to be like one of them. They deemed me delicate with a frail body and anointed me in some kind of imaginary sweet scent, then I started to hate myself."

Her voice trailed and broke on her last confession. They were her buried feelings generated by airflows from her lungs and yet the air they created suffocated her even more into the Waterland.

Erebus wasn't the only land to receive mortals' visit, wherever they could reach, they would adventure themselves.

Caenis composed herself again, swallowing down her ache a little longer, letting it burn her throat down a little more. When she was ready, she revealed the many scars in her arms and yet as soon as she could; she flew them back, crossing over her chest.

"Hidden under my gown. They grew bigger, rounder. Men looked at them rather than my eyes. I was no longer that child who could play with swords like my brothers. The day I bled was the day they avoided to play with me all at once and the day my parent wanted me to marry to a man. One by one, they showed up with even more gifts than the previous one. I scared them away. I repelled them the best I could."

Her tone suddenly tightened mercilessly like a wind over the torrent at her eyes that crashed and erupted like lava raging down from a volcano. Her next sentence would punch and beat her with all of its might, invisible knives piercing her body as she stood alone, bloodless in front of them.

"Because I was no woman!"

In this instant, rage seized control of her fist to hammer her own head repeatedly.

"I was no flower, I was different. Within me, was growing an angry and screaming man while I was trapped in this weakened body which is not mine ever-since."

Emotions swirled within Caenis' head, strong sorrow creating energy through her tears. Her ocean life was never still, and she needed another static apnea. Holding on to her breath with her face down in the sea of her torments, she let her untold truth floating at the surface all at once.

"One of the prince prove himself to be very persistent in his deed. I denied him once, twice, three times but he kept on coming back, being more and more aroused each time I said no. One day, when I was alone by the river, he leaped on me, attacking me from behind." Finally Caenis released her breath, then she shook her head. "I couldn't defend myself from his hands. He tore my dress and while I was screaming no, he was saying yes. He held me under the water. I begged for it to end fast but he took his time, making my agony worst and worst then he left me there covered in his semen and my blood. I wanted to die, so I let myself slide down into your arms, King Poseidon. Now I am here, asking you to turn me into a man so I will no longer have to be overpowered by anyone."

This was the tale of another princess who had let herself drown in the depth in search of healing. Now facing Poseidon and Amphitrite at their invisible court surrounded by all their loyal subjects and a curious Demeter, Caenis lifted her chin up and muster all her remaining strength to stare at them.

Amphitrite sniffed and pressed her fists over her pursed lips. That cruel world, that sad tale of Caenis, sounded too familiar to her. In the likeness of Persephone with Psyche, Amphitrite with Caenis were not far from being that different.

After all, Prometheus created his children in the image of their parents—the gods.

"I'm sorry." Poseidon was the first to speak, and he walked down from his high throne and took Caenis into his arms. Unbeknown to all the eyes and ears of his court like to Amphitrite, he did not only apology to Caenis, but it was also to a now deceased Medusa that he could no longer express his guilt.

She was perhaps gone to join a certain peace, but he was still there, alive with the unforgivable scythe of a dead noosed around his neck. Damage that couldn't be undone, a sin that only a few were aware of and he continued in his selfish self forgiving. Cupping the face of Caenis between his hands, he stabbed her with his blue eyes. "No woman should have to suffer in the hands of a man."

Would he help her?
Or shame her for her difference?

Beads of sweat suspended into the air, the salty smell of tears invaded the nostrils as they all awaited in impatience for Poseidon's verdict.

"Caenis, I'll grant your wish," he declared out loud. "You would be an invincible man. None could force you to yield, nor to dispatch you, unbowed, unbroken, your body should be."

Caenis' mouth fell open at Poseidon's answer until he released her from his grasp, leaving her to drag her wounded body back into any trace of shadow that could shield her. While Poseidon spread his arms wide at each side of his body, taking in all the loud cheering from his court before turning back to Caenis.

"However, I had one condition—"

Amphitrite frowned at whatever Poseidon was about to say and before he could finish his sentence, she raised from her throne, taking the floor. Poseidon was perhaps their king, but Amphitrite, as their queen, raised and bred in their waterland, had a stronger influence.

"I'll make you a man." Amphitrite nodded at Caenis, who smiled back at her while Poseidon only wore a pinched expression over his face.

It was the act of a power couple on the outside, but from Demeter's angle; she was now witness to what Zeus was so eager to mention and mock over Poseidon who was only a king in appearance.

It was the act of a power couple on the outside, but from Demeter's angle; she was now witness to what Zeus was so eager to mention and mock over Poseidon who was only a king in appearance

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