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Buzz.. buzz.. buzz..

Her phone vibrates in her jacket pocket. She took her phone out and checked it.
'Ugh, they can't even let me have a peaceful time for a sec.' She grumbled with annoyance while looking at her phone screen.

Getting a call from her bossy manager the first thing in the morning really ruined her day.

Even the sun is not rise yet, why would they have to disturb me this early.

She left the phone vibrates for a few seconds until it stop. A few seconds later, the phone started to vibrate again forcing her to pick the call.

"Why didn't you answer the phone the first time I called?" The manager on the other side sound displeased.

"I'm on my morning jog, didn't notice your called. What's the matter this time?" She answered half heartedly and looking around to find some bench nearby.

She knows it's gonna take some time if her manager herself called her. She already have a glint of what she wants to tell her about.

It's probably about the scandal with some newcomer actor that she never known before. But somehow, she got tangle with the mess.

She got an earful of scolding from her manager that takes about 2 hours of call time.

"For now, just lay low and don't make any problems and if possible, don't make contact with anyone except for me, understand? The company will find a way to solve this problem so make sure you listen to my every words."

She recalled what her manager said to her.

'Why would I lay low when it is not even me who make the trouble in the first place.'

She was so sure that they make her involve in this scandal just to cover up the higher up problem. 'What a cheap trick, troublesome!'

Sigh, she put on some music to her earbuds and walk back home without noticing a strange looking man following her from behind.

She take her usual route from the park to her house which is by the back road of the shop area to avoid the public eyes.

Unbeknown to her that someone already set their eyes on her the moment she left her house in morning.

The route she takes is perfect for the man to attack her. Not to mention that she is unaware of her surrounding listening to some peaceful music on her ears.

The man grab her from shoulder and push her to the wall before he stab her with a knife multiple time wearing a creepy smirk on his face.

She was in utter shock and didn't have no time to react before she was stabbed. The last thing she hear before she close her eyes was the song that were play on her ears.

Sensing the peace,
Looking at the colour,
It's calming my mind,
A beautiful greenery atmosphere..

It's a soothing song of a peaceful ambience in a forest. It is random, but she hope that she will too find her peace soon as a string of tears roll from her eyes before she drifted to the darkness of the unknown.


Author : Hello! This is my first time ever writing a story, not to mention fanfiction. I just have so much scene that kept replaying in my head that I can't help but to put it on words..

I've read the original novel long time ago and like anyone else, I got very annoyed with plot and obviously the MC.. but respectfully, the theme is interesting to work on.

Anddd... I've spent forever on wattpad, reading fanfic from diff amazing writers. Thanks to them, I got inspired to write one too but I don't know how it will turn out to be... I hope you like it!

Don't forget to leave spme comment for feedback of the story or any suggestions are always welcome. 😊

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