Chapter 18

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Shuu was having a real blast, as evident from the furious wagging of his tail while he walked to the village with his mate. He still couldn’t believe how lucky his life had turned out.

Elize chuckled at his visible excitement. “What are you thinking about that’s making you so happy?” she asked, swinging their joined hands as they walked.

Wearing a big, happy smile, his grey furry ears twitching on his head, Shuu replied, “You know, Elize, I never imagined I’d be this happy in my entire life. I feel like my heart is full of you in it.”

Elize felt a blush spreading across her face, but she laughed to avoid awkwardness. “Is that so? Do you really mean it? I mean, are you happy because I’m your mate?” she asked shyly, seeking the truth behind his words.

Shuu instantly nodded. “Of course I am. My brother would be so proud of me if he knew I had a sweet and beautiful mate like you,” he said, clasping her hand tighter.

Elize’s face turned beet red at his shameless words. She really couldn’t get used to how blunt and straightforward he was. “You silly!” she exclaimed, letting go of his grasp. She quickened her pace, hoping he wouldn’t catch up, embarrassed by how red her face had become.

Seeing Elize dash forward, Shuu chuckled at her reaction. He increased his pace, caught up with her, and took her hand again as they continued their walk.

Not long after, they reached a walkway flanked by golden fields on both sides, with the village houses starting to emerge into view.

Not long after, they reached a walkway flanked by golden fields on both sides, with the village houses starting to emerge into view

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(Excuse my terrible sketches; they're just for reference to show how I imagine the village.)

Elize, having been there before, was excited to see more of what the village had to offer. She planned to meet and talk to the females, hoping they would be easier to approach than the one from the caravan group.

Her first task was to find the market. Kenny had mentioned that the village often held a market in the morning to sell fresh produce. Plus, she needed to buy the rice Winston had asked for, so she intended to get that done first.

As they walked toward the village centre, she felt many pairs of eyes on them. Perhaps the villagers were anxious because she had brought a wolf with her. Given that they were mostly sheep beastmen, bringing a predator into the village likely unsettled them.

Ignoring the wary glances, Elize squeezed Shuu’s hand reassuringly. “Don’t worry about them,” she said softly. “They’ll get used to you in no time.”

Shuu nodded, his ears twitching slightly. “I know. I just hope they can see I’m not here to cause any trouble.”

Elize giggled at his comment. "How can you be so sure you won't cause trouble?" she teased, noticing how he glared at the males who had their eyes on her, only to scare them away with a threatening look.

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