Author Note

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It's not a chapter.
Sorry about that!

Dear readers,

I would like to express my gratitude to all of you.... ... ... .. .

Oops, sorry! Let me start again,




Thank you so much for liking the previous chapter. 🤭🤭🤭
I didn't expect to get a positive response from it, but you guys seemed to love it.

Thank you again for all your encouraging words, especially

| kuroneki | Crystalz_Light | Lipi_lekhikai864 | diyloo3 | christybailey9 | LenseSeer294 |

and all of you who are reading and voting every time I update the new chapter.

I had so much fun reading your comments. Knowing that people actually spend their time reading my story gives me a sense of satisfaction and gratitude.

I am deeply moved and thankful for each and every one of you who invests your time in my work.

I know I kept telling you that I will be busy with work and might not update the chapter regularly, but I ended up posing a new chapter every day. I just can't help it. When I work on something, I can't stop thinking about it until I actually finish it.

I enjoy writing this story because the image of the scenes kept coming into my mind even when I'm not set my mind for it, and I'm glad that you like it as much as I do.

But if there comes a time when I don’t update the chapter like I always do, please understand that I might actually be trying to hold myself back and catch a real good breath at that moment.

Thank you for your patience and support!

That is all I want to say for today. The next chapter will be posted soon, but not too soon.. 😉

See you there. Bye!!

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