Chapter 3

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Winston POV

The trade was more successful compared to the other time he led the group. It probably because they brought more salt with them this time.

After a long bargain with the chief of the fox village, he succeeded in bringing back five females along with their mates, adding approximately twenty more members to their group.

Their journey back to Beast City will definitely take much longer now that they have females with them. They are weaker and more troublesome for a long-distance journey, requiring constant rest and well-fed.

In the end, they decided to set their camp further away from the usual route to avoid any potential danger or detection by wandering beasts.

Winston led some of the males, especially those who take fancy on the females, to hunt for food and prey while leaving half of the males to guard the females at the camp.

He ventured deeper into the jungle, leaving the hunting group on their own with no intention of returning to the camp later that day.

He knew that some of the female will accept a few males from the group, and some of them might have been lucky to get a chance to mate tonight.

Contemplating the situation, he distanced himself from the group and hunted some prey to fill his stomach.

Not long after finishing his prey, Winston heard a female screaming from afar. He rushed to her location and found out one of the fox females he had brought along from the trade was escaping with her mate.

Unfortunately for them, they were attacked by a scorpion beastmen. About 8 to 10 of the scorpion with single and double marked attacking her mate in such a barbaric way.

He slowly approached them, concealing his beastly presence to hide his position. While the scorpions were preoccupied harassing the female, he launched an ambush and attacked a few of them.

Despite being tetra-marked, he was still outnumbered, especially considering that the scorpions possessed sharper claws and a venomous stinger.

The fight was long and exhausting; Winston felt as though his energy was slowly draining from his body, leaving him with several deep cuts from claw marks and stings scattered here and there.

Fortunately, the venom from their stingers didn't have much effect on him because he had previously been stung by the tetra-marked scorpion prince, rendering him somewhat immune to it when the venom came from lower-level scorpion beastmen.

After much effort, he managed to kill all of them despite his injuries. He hurriedly brought the female back to their camp and then ran off to a more secluded area as he started to feel numb all over his body from the open wounds.

Winston ran with no sense of direction. To him, he just wants to be as far as possible from anyone. He didn't want to let the others see him in this sorry state.

Gradually, his body could no longer hold back as his giant tiger form shook tremendously before he collapsed to the ground.

His breathing was unsteady and laboured, and each inhale was a struggle after the long run he endured. Though he remained conscious, he was unable to move, his limbs heavy and unresponsive.

Yet, even in his immobility, he remained aware of his surroundings when he suddenly caught an enticing scent piercing through his nose.

It was a sweet and alluring smell of a female, one unlike any he had ever encountered before.

He heard a rustling sound from the female when she slowly moved and approached him after observing his figure for quite some time.

Winston sensed the wariness emanating from the female as she threw a few stones to gauge his reaction. She seems to only cautiously step out from her hiding spot after receiving no response from him.

Winston was amazed and slightly disagreed with her choice of action by coming closer to an unknown beast even if it was unconscious.

It is considered reckless to approach an injured or even a deceased animal, as the scent emanating from its body can attract other wild beasts that prey upon it.

However, all his thoughts came to a halt when the female began to gently stroke his fur. It makes all the pain on his body disappear with her touch.

He then heard the sound she made while moving around, followed by her voice echoing through his ears, "Now, let's see the face shall we!"

'Oh no! That's bad. No, no. I can't let her see my face. It'll make her scared.' His mind was busy with the thought while he was trying so hard to hold his paws from exposing his scarred face with the remaining energy he had.

He didn't know if the female was too strong or he was the one who drained so much energy that made him lose to this battle of strength with this female.

'It's over!' He think he was doomed after the female managed to remove his paws from his face and saw his ugly face.

Unbeknownst to him, the female paused her actions after having a look at his face before sitting next to him and began to caress his fur again. He was contented with her treatment and hoping that she would at least allow him to be her guardian beast later once he asked her after being fully awake

Right now, he can only listen to her voice and be aware of her movement around him. He was so happy that this female would stay with him even after she saw his face.

Even though he was elated with all of the caressing and petting he received from the female, Winston could no longer hold back his consciousness.

He heard the female voice slowly fading away as his mind was consumed by the heavy fog of exhaustion. A low, rumbling sound escaped his lips as he drifted deeper into sleep.


Hello!! 🤗

I'll be away for a few days to attend my friend's wedding, so I've posted two chapters today to make up for my absence.

I noticed that in the previous chapter, I included unnecessary details explaining every little action of Elize.

I apologize if this made it hard to read, but honestly, I'm not sure how to skip or cut some parts without affecting the rest of my writing.

Please gimme some tips or tricks you know that I can use to improve my writing skills. 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️

That's all from me for now.. Thank you for reading, and see ya later!! Bye!

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