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Did you read the prologue?

You did, right? Good, now let me introduce our main character of this story.

It is already too bad for her to die without even manage to get into the first chapter.

Do you know why she died in vain?

*evil laugh*

Actually, she is.....

"Ehem, author-nim?"


"Why don't you let me take over this session, please? I think I am more suitable to introduce myself to the reader, am I not?"

Thinking.. "Yes, yes, sure. Go on then." ¬‿¬


Alright, dear readers, my name is Elize Wu. I am a 22-years-old singer. A model who works like a slave for the agency.

I'm lead a quite troublesome life after my 15th birthday. Which is right after my parents passed away in an aeroplane crash accident when they were on their business trip in Russia.

Before that happened, I was a cheerful and easy-going child. Having a loving and supportive parent is the only thing that matters to a child like me.

Unfortunately, my life started to crumble after losing both of them. I'm losing the grip of my only source of happiness, leaving behind a soulless child.

Then, a man suddenly appeared at the funeral and claimed to be my dad's younger sibling that, of course, dad never mentioned before.

I was brought to his house, and the life there was a disaster. I was treated as a maid in their house serving his entire family.

There was a time when I got mental abuse by the whole family telling me that I am incompetent, troublesome, and bringing bad luck to them.

They don't know that I am aware of why they brought me here in the first place. Its all because of the insurance money payback of my parents after their accident.

For the huge sum of money, they act like real relatives and weep crocodile tears for the unfortunate child. But in reality, they didn't even give a slight care about the child.

After all the money is consumed, I was sold to a modelling company at the age of 17. They manage to get a stack or two because of the  good look that I inherited from my mom and dad.

The agency was no better. They worked on me to death, and I were forced to skip my classes that I didn't manage to graduate from.

But after almost 2 years of harsh training, I was able to make up for my career even though I'm still tied to the blood-luster company.

There was time when I had my makeup and hair done by the staff, I frequently heard they talk to each other about an interesting novel where the MC suddenly transmigrate to the difference world where the people in the world can shift into animal form, or they called it beast and beastmen when in human form.

After that day, I spent a couple of minutes of my free time between the schedule searching for the novel online, and at last, I found it. I was so happy that I finally acquired the novel like I acquired some kind of treasure.

I really enjoyed the story in the beginning plot, but the MC is kinda annoying and stubborn. Why did she bring her modern mindset to the primitive era? I know it's a good thing to make changes here and there, but I don't think people can evolve in a short span of time. Or they can?

Well, I don't really know, but it's really breaks my heart when she toyed with the male characters feeling, though. Is it really that hard to adapt to your new environment? It's obviously doable, right?

If I were her, I'll just enjoy my new life and collect all the hot daddy like a pokemon, and maybe on the down side we need to sacrifice some of the comfort we had in our life like delicious and savouring food, soft bed and mattress, hygiene products and others.

That is not that bad, right? I mean, all of the things that we used to have can be craft using the right material. The most important thing is that we tend to appreciate the things that we make with our own hands, plus we can kill time by doing so.

Don't blame me, though. It is really hard for me to get into real relationships when you are working in this kind of industry. My career will be finished if I get caught into one.

That is why I was so fumed with her character. Just be grateful that a bunch of people actually want you and appreciate their kindness towards you.

Unfortunately for me, I never had any love relationship with anyone, not even a close friend. It was so sad and lonely to actually die, thinking that no one would come looking for you.



"What a tragic ending of your life. But don't worry, my dear Elize, I shall give you a proper funeral in this world. Until then, please hang on till I find where your body is."- Author

That is the end of Elize introduction or maybe her back story from the earth that explains why she was chosen to get her second life in the well-known, most desired transmigration world

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That is the end of Elize introduction or maybe her back story from the earth that explains why she was chosen to get her second life in the well-known, most desired transmigration world.

Let's hope the best for her and may she find her true happiness in this new world. Hopefully, she can survive in that world and adapt well with her surroundings and stick to her words that she confidently throws before. ¬‿¬

Second life in a BeastworldWhere stories live. Discover now