Chapter 6

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Elize finished all the meat before she licked her fingers, not wanting to waste anything from the delicious meal she just had. She was happy that her stomach was full now.

She looked at the stranger in the eyes and thanked him for the food. "It was so good. I see you have a good knack in cooking, aren't you?"

The man was flustered, getting praise from a beautiful female for the first time in his life. "I-I'm g-glad that you like my cooking. I think the sweet taste of honey blends well with the meat, and when I tried it for the first time, it tasted quite good."

Elize nodded with his response. It's indeed a great combination of flavours. She was glad that she got to eat a flavourful meat as her first meal. 

She takes a second glance at the male, and she thinks his physique really does resemble a bear. After quite some time seizing him up, she can't help but ask, "Are you perhaps are a bear beastmen?"

The man nodded happily before answering her question. "I am, little female. My name is Tony, 2 marks bear beastmen. Cooking is my speciality. I can cook all the food you want if you take me as your mate." He said with a wide grin on his face. Pleased with how this female is able to guess his beast form just by looking at his body.

 Pleased with how this female is able to guess his beast form just by looking at his body

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Elize eyes widened. 'Tony, the bear? The one who got rejected on the spot by the MC?' She once again took a good look at his figure, shaking her head protesting the MC's decision. 'She really is a stupid girl. How come she pushed this poor guy? My heart can never be that cruel.'

She smiled at the man and told him that she would allow him to court her for at least a week before she made her decision to accept him as her mate or not.

That's all bullshit. She had already made her decision right on this second. Instead, she told him that because she needed more time with Daddy Winston before taking any more mates.

Tony, on the other hand, was elated, and his soul was almost taken away from his body. This is the first time a female gave permission for him to court her.

Because of his huge build, the female will most likely slam the door out of his face before he could even ask permission.

He was so happy and grateful that this female was willing to give him the chance, courting her. His emotions were all showing up with how his ears twitching and moving around like they are having a happy dance.

He took Elize's hand and gave them a quick kiss before saying, "Female, thank you for allowing me to court you. I'll promise to show you my best side and provide you with anything you need, the best I can."

Elize giggles with the cringe pledge of love but still feels the butterfly in her stomach hearing the beautiful words.

"My name is Elize. You can call me that from now on." She realized that she never told him her name before but managed to finish the food from him. 'Where's the manner, girl?'

"Elize." Tony mutter under his breath, tasting how her name sounds like on his lips. "A beautiful name for a beautiful person." He said with an adorable smile on his face.

Elize blushed at his compliment, and she had a bubbly feeling inside of her chest. As a model, she used to get compliments whenever she did a great job on her previous life, but not a single of them were this honest that it melted her heart.

A moment later, Winston came back and gave her a warm hug from the back. "I'm done. Are you hungry? I'll hunt some prey before we go to the sheep village in a moment."

Elize shakes her head, "No, I'm good. I have already eaten some delicious meat just now. Tony gave it to me." She said happily while directing her finger to the huge male in front of her.

Winston eyeing the male before he nonchalantly shower his female with a lot of kisses in front of the stranger, showing the possessiveness side in him.

Elize just enjoyed all the love from him, and she was glad that he actually showed his feelings in his actions. She turns her body and gives him a quick peck on his lips to calm his jealousy down.

"Winston, Tony had asked for permission to court me, and I'm allowing it. Do you have any opposition to it?" She asked his opinion regarding her decision. She didn't want to accept any males that her mate didn't agree on.

It's her way of showing respect to her significant others by listening and considering their thoughts and feelings for a better mutual understanding.

Winton gives her a long kiss on her forehead before he diverts his attention to the male. "I'll allow you to court my mate without any objection if you manage to bring the wolf prince to the sheep village in 5 days."

Tony was confused with his statement and asked for a further explanation, "Wolf Prince? What is the reason for me to bring him along?"

Winston looks down to his beloved mate as a complicated feeling, envelops his heart. He gave her a tight hug and said, "My mate, take an interest on him. Tell him to just come if he still wants to live a long life." He finished his words with a sharp glare towards Tony.

It sent shivers to his spine, hearing the direct threat from the formidable tiger. His words are simple but heavy with warnings that give Tony no choice but to submit.

Tony accepted the tasks and gave adorable puppy eyes to Elize before he said, "I'll be back in no time and bring along the prince. Please wait for me."

Elize face was covered in blush, getting caught in this awkward moment; a boyfriend made a new boyfriend to go fetch on another boyfriend candidate. 'What a life, Elize!'

She broke the hug from Winston and approached Tony. She gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and petted his head. "I'll be waiting at the sheep village. Please be careful on your walk."

Tony was elated. He nodded his head while smiling like a fool.

Displeased with the intimate show in front of his eyes, Winston unconsciously makes a deep growl, showing his disgust of the affection showing in this male's eyes towards his mate.

The growl from Winston snapped Tony back from his daze. He better run now before this tiger will prey on him if he waits for any more seconds.

Tony then morphs to his beast form and hurriedly runs through the dense jungle without looking back to the couple on his back that will likely become his family soon enough.

Elize's eyes were widened to its maximum size, looking at Tony's beast form. He was truly a giant, a giant cuddly teddy bear. 'Yep, he's in! She thought to herself while smiling with full satisfaction.

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