Part - 4

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As I am sitting in my bedroom for help purpose if mr.jeon need some help of me and I am thinking something untill mr.jeon come from bathroom. Towel wraping around his waist and water dripping from his hair and his well tonned body make me hard to control myself. I am staring at him like there is no tommorow untill his eyes fell on me and he smile at me this make me shock that mr.jeon can smile also.

Jungkook's pov

As I am came back from bathroom I feel that there is eyes on me then  I look at him and smile cover on my lips automatically but he look down sadly that make me turn towards him and I come towards him .

Jungkook : what happened.. why are you looking sad..u can tell me.
Tae : No..nothing happened
Then taehyung give tight lip smile to jk.
Jungkook ( in mind) : I am sure something bothering him.
Jungkook : I think rain is stop so I'll take my leave.
Tae : O..okay be careful mr.jeon
Jungkook : okay byy

After that jungkook leaves Taehyung's house but he's all attention remain on taehyung.

Time skip to few days later


Today is Sunday. Me and jimin decide to went on shopping. I am up few minutes before and after that I am busy doing my morning routine.After taking bath I come to downstair untill doorbell rang and I went to check on. Then I get bonecrashing hug and I look at him.

Tae : yeah jiminie pabo are you planning to kill me..?
Jimin : ohh sorry  hehehe..
Tae : come we'll have breakfast first. I am so hungry
Jimin : okay
Tae : And I want to tell you something
Jimin : yeah tell me
Tae : three days before at night professor jeon come to my house due to heavy rain and he drench in water soo..
Jimin : ohhh so something happened between you two..
Tae : No..I am just telling you but after seeing him I feel so uncontrollable.but I don't think he like me like I do.
Jimin : don't think too much about this and don't worry I am sure he like you too.
Tae : hmm

Then he sadly smile at jimin. Jimin is like everything to him after his parents.

After that they went on shopping. They starts buy their clothes and necessary things and this is how two and half hour pass. They are enjoying eachother's company untill someone tap on tae's shoulder  he turn around and saw bogum.

Bogum : hii tae
Tae : hii bogum
Bogum : what are you doing here ?
Tae : umm ofcourse for shopping and he laugh nervously.
Jimin stand there like he is invisible untill
Bogum : hii jimin
Jimin : ohh so you can see me I thought I am invisible to you.
Saying this he start laughing looking at tae and tae glare at him.
Bogum : so can we go together..?
Tae : umm..
Jimin cut him
Jimin : sorry but we already have many plans.
Bogum : um I.. it's okay
Tae : okay we'll take leave byy
Bogum : okay byy
After he went from there jimin look at tae .

Jimin : Don't you think he's being so chap..?
Tae : yeah jimin don't think like that  he's nice
Jimin : ohh really
Then he laugh sarcastically..huh

They don't know that all incident observe by someone and fuming in anger but he doesn't even know that he jealous of jimin or bogum..

Time skip to evening

In dark room

Someone screaming like hell but there is no mercy for him but the question is what's his done that he pay this much untill someone came and sitting infront him in his manspread pose. His face cover by cloth only his sharp and devil eyes can be seen. After two or three hour of torchering session he let out sinister smirk.

?? : Don't you dare to touch what's mine and betray me and everyone knows that I hate betrayer so how you dare to betray me motherf*cker.
Chop him in piece and feed it to my pet.

 Chop him in piece and feed it to my pet

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Three or four people carry cage. His dangerous roar can able to make everyone fear of him only his owner can calm him. After that they open the door of cage.that man indicate his pet to come to him so animal went towards him and sit near his legs as if he's love for enough for that animal and it's look like two kings sitting next eachother. He carress his hand and eye him and that animal attack that betrayer like he's ready to do that..
"Leave me king I'll never do that.ahhhhhhhhhh"

And again dark room filled with his screams.

And that person order his mens to clean the mess and he goes from there.

Men 1 : I'll never do anything against him. He himself not less than devil .
Men 2 : don't forget he rules the underworld and he's capable of doing anything

They talking with eachother in fear as they know their one wrong move and they'll have to pay with their lives.

To be continue..


Thank you so much guys for reading this please give your love and support..😊

I'll upload next part very soon..

            I love you army 💜✨


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