Part- 17

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Taehyung's pov

After we seperately going our houses I decided to go home by walking so I can enjoy the night view untill I feel someone is behind me so I fasten my speed but after sometime footsteps is not coming towards me. I sigh in relief but then I realised that I should listen to jimin and go with them but damn meeee..

After sometime of walking again I feel someone and I feel scared as there is no one in alley then someone tap on my shoulder and I turn around to find unknown mask person is standing in front of me but there is too late . A person whose face covered with his hoodie's hat and  put a handkerchief on my mouth and after that I feel my eyes are getting close and he held me by my waist and went out from there

 A person whose face covered with his hoodie's hat and  put a handkerchief on my mouth and after that I feel my eyes are getting close and he held me by my waist and went out from there

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• Someone's pov

I was waiting when they both went towards their houses and I excute my plan but after very long time they headed towards their houses and waiting for too long anger fuming inside me but after they left soft smile covered my lips as I am going win something . He's walking ahead me and I also know that he's scared of me but I have to do that for you sweetheart then I slowly tap on his shoulder and put handkerchief on his pretty mouth to make him unconscious and held his tiny waist by my muscular arms fuckkkk he's so handle with care type... after that I called someone and luxurious car came infront of us and I slowly put taehyung on sit not wanting him to hurt then I sit besides him and stare him like now there is no disturbance between us but fear inside me make me burn the whole fuckinggg world for him.

• Time skipped at morning

Someone's pov

As I am not sleep at night in excitement that how'll he react after waking up but he's still sleeping.

After sometime

Taehyung's pov

I feel like someone hammering my head and feel sting pain in my head as I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in unknown bedroom. I looked around as I slowly get up and sat properly .

"W..where am I ? Fuckkk this head ache.." he said to himself

He was about getup from the bed untill room's door opened revealing the ajumma in her 40's.
She looked at me and passed me smile .

"So you wake up.. how'll you feel now..?" She said with smile

"Who a..are you ? And where am I ?.. I want to go back my home.."
Taehyung said impatiently.

"You can ask what you want to ask our king afterwards first eat this soup that I made for you.." she said

"Wait what..who is your king..? And why am I here ?
Let him know that I want to go back " he said sternly.

"Sir please eat this or else he'll not spare me please.." she said with fearly.

After that taehyung agreed with her , drink soup and she went out from the room.

"King.. ? Who's this king is ? And why the fuck he kept me here aishhh where the hell I stuck arghhh.." he said to himself.

Time skipped at night

Someone's pov

As I was out for something important comes but I miss my sweetheart aishh why everything canes at same time ..I want to se him early in the morning but..just leave it...after that as I enter in mansion I went towards my cook and asked her coldy.

As she was working in kitchen but someone's footsteps heard by her and she turn around to find their king.

Maid : K..king w..what happened ? Do you need s.. something?

??? : Noo I just come here to ask that did he had his meals properly..?

He asked very coldly

Maid : K..king he had h.his lunch but he denied f..for dinner

After hearing that his eyes darken in anger but he control himself

??? : Justt give me his dinner plate I'll feed him

And smile acrossed his face and maid looked at him like shockingly as he never smile at anyone..after that he headed towards tae's room.

To be continue....


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