Chapter Eleven~

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Agnira and Hayden were running around and jumping with the group of carnival dancers who were dressed brightly

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Agnira and Hayden were running around and jumping with the group of carnival dancers who were dressed brightly.

"I don't know the steps and you're making me dance around, what the hell,"Agnira said.

"You were the one who wanted to enjoy. Now dance to the tune Babygirl,"Hayden said while chuckling playfully.

Both of them matched steps with the dancers eventually and then ran around taking circles with them, before holding hands and taking spins until their heads spun, and they ran away giggling like school kids.

"This place is full of life,"Agnira said while panting and giggled while Hayden stared at her, taking in and leaving heavy breathes.

She checked the pictures in her camera, that she had clicked, when he asked,"how long are you planning to stay here?"

"This week,"she replied while he got shocked and asked,"only a week more?"

"Yah! I have to return to India and submit my work. It's almost done. Just one important thing is left,"Agnira replied, failing to notice the changing demeanor of Hayden.

"And you won't return?"he asked in a grim tone.

"No!"she said and then looked at him realising the matter and said holding his hand,"I'll miss you, Raj."

He stared at her before pulling her into a hug suddenly while fireworks started getting displayed in the sky.

"Raj..."she whispered and he said,"you can't leave me. I won't let you. Don't leave me and go."

Agnira closed her eyes while resting her head upon his chest and said,"we will stay in contact. Raj, you're a beautiful person and one of the best companions I have ever had in my life so far. You'll always remain special and unforgettable for me."

"I'll be alone again, Babygirl. I don't want to be alone again. I don't want that loneliness back."

She looked at him and said,"it will hurt me a lot to leave you here alone again and go. But....but if I stay then..."

"Then? If you stay then?"

She looked away and said,"nothing."

"You won't be able to go then, right?"he asked and she said,"let's go."

"I won't unless you answer me."

"What answer?"she asked, turning back and he asked,"haven't you even developed an ounce of feelings for me in these many days?"

Agnira sighed and said,"don't make it more difficult. I am already in a fix because of you."

"That means you do have feelings for me,"he said holding her arms tightly and she said,"I do! But...I don't know. I don't think our relationship will work out."