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hello everyone who clicked on this. this is a planet of the apes x reader story, it will contain

- interspecies romance
- violence
- depictions of blood and death
- smut (?)

if any of these make you uncomfortable you may leave the story. if there is going to be smut i will put a warning so you can skip it, but I'm not sure if there will be yet.

furthermore, this is an x reader, meaning it will be from your perspective and using y/n instead of a name. this is fem pov, so it will have she/her pronouns used. you basically take the place of mae in the movie (i didn't rlly like her anyway) and this book will follow the plot of the movie as well as what happens after from just my creative opinion.

another note, i try to make the reader description as vague as possible, without a specified skin color, hair color or texture, etc. the only thing it might say is a strand of hair, so if you're bald, i apologize.

another note, is the apes sometimes talk about how small or lightweight the reader is. this is ONLY because apes are huge and strong, so even a plus size person would be easy for them to pick up.

this is not me saying "oh, mc is so light and smol and short 🥺🥺" NO. it means compared to these big and muscular apes, she is small, as anyone would be. (unless you're a body builder or something)

now, before we begin I'd like to mention some other things.

reader is a human in this story, and noa is an ape, and they fall in love. if you think that's gross, then click off now. if you think "ohhh ewww why would you publish this? planet of the apes wouldn't show a human and an ape kiss..."
actually, they would.

as depicted here in the 1968 film between zira and taylor

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as depicted here in the 1968 film between zira and taylor. and now you might be thinking, "well why even have a human ape relationship? it's not like they can reproduce..."
well actually...

in the 1970 film beneath the planet of the apes, they were exploring a half human half ape character as seen here, so in this franchise apes and humans can canonically reproduce

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in the 1970 film beneath the planet of the apes, they were exploring a half human half ape character as seen here, so in this franchise apes and humans can canonically reproduce.

if you're still unconvinced and just saying "but they're still apes, it's still weird..." okay fine. let's look at the two side by side, shall we?

 let's look at the two side by side, shall we?

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this is a regular ape. look at his cute little face! now let's look at noa...

there are some very clear differences, so lets start with the obvious

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there are some very clear differences, so lets start with the obvious. noa has white sclera (the part of the eye around the iris and pupil) and the regular ape has black, noa's eyes obviously look more human, and they're further apart.

additionally the regular ape has a longer muzzle with a curved mouth. noa has a flatter face and even a nose bridge, which are very human features.

furthermore, interspecies relationships have been in media far more than you think, just a few examples being gargoyles (1994), beauty and the beast, the shape of water, hotel transylvania, and the little mermaid, just to name a few.

with all of these points in place, if you still take the time to think of a hate comment, type it out, and hit send, then it will be deleted and you'll likely be blocked, because at that point you're just being hateful. so i won't tolerate anyone coming on here and shaming me for writing this or others for reading it.

great! now that that's out of the way i will likely update this book twice a week, and i might rewrite/edit some parts once the movie is available for streaming, as right now i'm just writing the scenes off of memory. so if any parts are inaccurate that's why and please be patient with me.

if there are any spelling or grammar mistakes, please let me know, english is not my first language so i often get some grammar mixed up sometimes. i also might just rewrite this book in the future when i look back on it in a couple years and cringe, which i probably will.

as always, i'm open to writing suggestions/constructive criticism and anything you'd like me to write about or incorporate into the book, whether it be smut, angst, character death, please let me know.

with all of that said, happy reading!

- raine

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