Chapter 1 - Arrival to the New World [Rewrite Complete]

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A/N: Rewrite is complete, Prince Valen has been replaced with Princess Eloise von Hohenburg.

Malacañang Palace, Manila
Republic of the Philippines

"Putangina, lumalakas pa lalo yung ulan," muttered President Raphael P. Peralta of the Republic of the Philippines as he watched the downpour intensify across the nation.

Lightning struck in the distance, followed by a deafening clap of thunder. He sighed, realizing that his plans for a vacation and a meeting with the American ambassador would have to be postponed.

The storm was perplexing, to say the least. Not only did it appear on the storm radar just minutes before making landfall, but it also enveloped the entire Philippine Archipelago. Both the Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) were tracking its path.

It was evident that this typhoon was unlike any other in history. Firstly, it rapidly intensified to a Category 6 storm as it approached from the Marianas, surprising NOAA researchers with its swift formation, akin to something out of a movie.

Secondly, the typhoon formed over an area where Low-Pressure Areas commonly emerge. While such formations were not unheard of in that area, the current El Niño conditions, characterized by increased heat temperatures, which prevents the formation of typhoons in this time, added to the unusualness.

Lastly, the typhoon's behavior was unprecedented. It exhibited counter-rotation, with the outer part spinning to the left and the inner part spinning to the right. This defied scientific explanation. Furthermore, the typhoon's blue-colored lightning, rather than the usual white, hinted at its unearthly origin.

Two men entered the president's office, both donning their own unique style of barong tagalog. They were the secretaries of National Defense and Foreign Affairs. "Mr. President, we have a situation," the Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Andres Magsino, informed President Peralta.

"What is it, Magsino?" inquired the president.

"It concerns the stranded Americans," Magsino replied. "Ambassador Halsey from the US embassy has requested the return of American servicemen from the Philippines."

"Why? Both PAGASA and NOAA have advised against any ship or aircraft leaving until the storm passes," Peralta stated, referring to the reports from the two agencies. "The US government has also instructed their troops to remain here for the time being."

"Sir, the Americans are feeling homesick," the Secretary of National Defense, Carlo Isidro, interjected. "I apologize for speaking out of turn, but they are becoming increasingly anxious. Their families are protesting our decision and challenging NOAA's recommendation."

Peralta sighed. The repeated pleas for the return of the 20,000 American troops participating in the 2043 Exercise Isla Kalasag, or Exercise Island Shield, had been weighing on him.

"I understand, Isidro," Peralta said as he took a seat behind his desk. "However, the storm surges pose an increasingly dangerous threat. We have already come close to losing one of our ships. We cannot risk thousands of lives just to facilitate their return."

The two men stood silently, fully aware that their president, a former Rear Admiral of the Philippine Navy and the former Secretary of National Defense, knew what he was doing.

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