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Pro tip: listen to Daylight by David Kushner on repeat while you read this chapter trust me 👍

𝐉𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐜𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐬, sweating profusely. He needed to land back on the ship soon. He'd been up in the air battling the venti that tried to attack their ship for nearly two hours now. His arms ached, his eye lids grew heavy, and though he knew sleep wasn't an option, he still felt like lying down in his room.

His friends had tried to assure him they could handle the venti, but Jason felt fine even with the wound in his gut.

He flipped his sword back into a coin and pocketed it before flying back to the ship, controlling the winds around him to guide him where he wanted to go.

He would probably have to wake either Percy or Hazel up to take his place, because they had offered.

But when he saw the boy near the rails, all thoughts of sleeping and all exhaustion vanished.

He landed on the deck of the ship next to Dante.

"Jason" he greeted.

"Dante" Jason nodded, hoping he wasn't as sweaty and red as he felt. "You cold?"

Dante was wearing only a t-shirt and sweatpants. His scars poked from under his half sleeve. His nose and cheeks were dusted pink but Jason knew he would rather freeze to death than admit it.

He looked awful, it was clear he had just woken up from a nightmare. Jason checked the clock on the ship's controls. It read 3:04 am.

It was three in the morning and Jason and Dante were alone awake. Well, Leo was awake too, Jason had a feeling he was tinkering in the engine room. But Jason was glad he wasn't on the deck. Dante tended to act more guarded and closed off with other people around.

Now, he was shivering, shaking like a leaf. All the color had drained from his face and his eyes were wide like he was spooked. He didn't hide his terrible shape from Jason, but with other people around, he pretended to be fine. Even though he wasn't.

"I'm fine"

"You can have my hoodie, you're shivering" Jason pulled his blue hoodie off in one swift move, hoping, wishing, desperately— and yes. Dante's eyes were glued to the part where his t-shirt rode up just a bit as Jason took the hoodie off. As soon as he had looked at it, Dante looked away.

Jason handed it over.

Reluctantly, Dante took it, his eyes snapping between Jason's extended hand and to his eyes. His fingers curled around the fabric and Jason was kind of obsessed with his hands.

He watched with rapt attention as Dante struggled to put the hoodie on. Eventually, he managed and Jason didn't even have it in him to laugh, he was too busy just soaking the moment in.

Dante was wearing his hoodie.

Dante was wearing a hoodie that was his.

Dante was doing that cute pouting/scowling thing he did in Jason's hoodie.

Dante had Jason's hoodie on and it was too big on him.

Dante had the hood on and he looked adorable.

"Did you just sweat into this hoodie and give it to me?" He scrunched his nose, "You are disgusting"

Jason couldn't help his soft smile. He was too sleepy for an actual response.

"I went to your room," Dante admitted. His blue eye sparkled in the light of the lamps. His brown eye turned into a pool of gold. "You weren't there"

Jason tried not to show how giddy with excitement it made him that Dante wanted to come to him in a time where he needed comfort. He wished he could protect Dante from his nightmares, cut through them like venti and wrap him in bubble wrap so that nothing bad could ever happen to him.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇  [Jason Grace]Where stories live. Discover now