Chapter 23: When you are not actually the all powerful.

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Character Introduction Class 1B, 15: Tamashiro Kenta


Hair: Silver-blue, a striking and unusual color that stands out. It might be naturally this shade or dyed. short and spiky to keep it out of his face during games.

Eyes: Golden, an intense and almost predatory color that can be intimidating.

Height: 5'7" This might be surprising considering his bulky build, but he makes up for it in pure power.

Physique: Mesomorph - A classic "muscle bound" build. He's broad-shouldered with thick arms and powerful legs. Every inch of him screams strength, but there's a surprising agility beneath the bulk.

Impression: Kenta's appearance is all about power. His imposing physique and piercing eyes make him a hard person to miss. There's a sense of raw athleticism about him, and people might give him a wide berth on the street.

Personality: Despite his lack of academic prowess, Kenta is a natural on the basketball court. His strength and agility make him a dominant force, and his competitive spirit fuels his desire to win. Kenta struggles with academics. Complex concepts go over his head, and he might rely on rote memorization to get by. Kenta doesn't overthink things. He sees a problem, uses his strength to solve it, and moves on. This direct approach can sometimes come across as blunt or even aggressive. Despite his gruff exterior, Kenta is fiercely loyal to his friends. He might not always be the most articulate, but he'll always have your back in a fight (or a game).

Current social status: Hosen's team (Made by Oreki)

--Internal Monologue starts--

The morning sun streamed through my window, casting the usual lazy glow across my room. Unlike the usual, however, a spark of manic energy crackled beneath my skin. Today was different. Today, the elaborate plan we'd meticulously crafted would be tested. No way, I thought with a smirk, could anyone have amassed a million points within the timeframe we'd established. And who, in their right mind, would risk their perfect employment record for a measly sum of in-school currency?

I followed my usual routine, the familiar rhythm a comfort in the face of the unknown. Yet, a nagging premonition gnawed at the edges of my mind. I brushed it aside, dismissing it as a random intuition, likely to be wrong.

School bustled with the usual chaotic energy. Despite the looming threat of expulsion, the air crackled with a nervous excitement. Our meticulous planning had instilled a sense of false security, a bubble of blissful ignorance. My gaze swept across the classroom, taking in the familiar faces. Everyone seemed relaxed, their usual personalities on display. Everyone except for Kano Mizuki, that is.

She fidgeted in her seat, a tremor running through her hands. Distress etched lines on her usually carefree face. As the class leader, a sense of duty propelled me towards her.

"Mizuki, something bothering you?" I inquired, a hint of concern lacing my voice.

"N-no, no," she stammered, her voice barely a whisper, "everything's fine."

Her stutter reeked of suspicion, but perhaps there were other explanations for her anxiety. Maybe the looming exam was getting to her? But then again, Mizuki wasn't someone who easily buckled under pressure. She was also one of the most expendable members of the class, offering little in terms of value. This made her a prime suspect for a potential betrayal.

"You looked troubled, so I thought I'd check in," I pressed gently, "Anything weighing you down?"

"Just a bad dream," she mumbled, her eyes darting around the room.

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