**chapter 26: The lone wolf before his dinner.

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Character Introduction Class 1B, 18: Ishihara Shin


Hair: Neatly styled, black, and always well-maintained. It could be parted to the side or slicked back depending on the occasion. There's a sense of effortless style about him.

Eyes: Warm and inviting, with a hint of chivalry that reflects his gentlemanly nature. They might be a deep brown or hazel, and they often hold a steady, confident gaze.

Height: Above average. He has a strong, broad-shouldered build that commands attention.

Physique: Ectomorph - Lean and athletic, with a well-proportioned build that suggests good physical fitness. He's not bulky, but there's a hidden strength beneath his clothes.

Impression: Shin exudes an aura of effortless charm and sophistication. His handsome features and impeccable grooming make him stand out from the crowd. There's a sense of old-fashioned chivalry about him, and he treats everyone with respect, especially those he sees as weaker.

Personality: Shin is a firm believer in courtesy and respect. He holds doors open, offers his help readily, and always strives to make a good impression. He might be a bit old-fashioned in his views, but his intentions are always pure. While Shin excels in physical activities, academics are not his strong suit. He struggles with complex concepts and relies more on his intuition and common sense. Shin's physical prowess makes him a reliable friend. He's always willing to lend a helping hand, especially if someone is being bullied or picked on. Shin forms strong bonds with those he cares about and is fiercely loyal to his friends. He has a strong sense of justice and will always stand up for what he believes in, even if it means getting into a fight.

Current social status: A gentlement.

--Internal Monologue starts--

"Ayanokōji-kun, I bet you could find a way to get us out of this line faster. Care to prove yourself useful?" 

Said the person who is a pretty impatient person standing in front of me.

We were right now in a line to go inside the cruise ship which will take us to the Island, at where we will have our Special Exam.

(I Raise an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in my voice) "Intriguing proposition, Horikita-san. Perhaps I could use my 'perfection' to convince everyone to skip ahead of you in line. I'm sure they'd all be quite receptive to my... persuasive arguments." I leans back slightly

(Scoffs) "Don't be ridiculous. Even you wouldn't stoop that low. Besides, causing a scene wouldn't exactly be 'efficient,' would it?" A vein throbs slightly on her forehead, betraying her rising irritation.

(Shrugs) "Efficiency is relative, Horikita-san. Perhaps observing human behavior in its natural habitat, the 'queue,' could be considered a valuable learning experience. Think of it as sociological research." I reply monotonously

(Grinds her teeth together) "Ugh, you're impossible. Just... try to think of something useful, would you?" She throws her hands up in exasperation, defeated for the moment.

A beat of silence passes as the line shuffles forward a few inches. Horikita sighs, her gaze flickering towards the massive cruise ship docked in the distance.

(Muttering to herself) "This island exam... the details are still shrouded in secrecy. Survival? Treasure hunt? What kind of ridiculous game are they planning for us this time?"

She glances sideways at me, who seems perfectly content with the slow progress of the line.

(Leans in slightly, voice lowered) "Ayanokouji-kun, something about this whole island exam doesn't sit right with me. They're making us into groups, yet you are going all alone what are you hoping to accomplish by that?" Her brow furrows, suspicion lacing her tone. "Is there some hidden advantage you've already figured out? Some loophole in the rules you plan to exploit?"

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