Chapter 27: Why are we in the same destination?

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Character Introduction Class 1B, 18: Yoshida Yasushi


Hair: Undistinguished and often unkempt. It could be a light brown color that he forgets to style, or perhaps a mess of dark curls that he just lets do its own thing. There's a sense of neglect about his hairstyle, reflecting his introverted nature.

Eyes: Soft brown, often downcast or looking away from direct contact. They can hold a spark of curiosity when he's interested in something, but they mostly convey a sense of shyness and social awkwardness.

Height: Average. He doesn't stand out in a crowd and tends to slouch a bit, making him seem even shorter.

Physique: Ectomorph - Lean and on the thinner side. He doesn't prioritize physical activity and might even have a slight build. There's no indication of hidden strength.

Impression: Yasushi gives off a quiet and unassuming vibe. He seems to blend into the background, preferring to avoid attention. His unkempt appearance and shy demeanor might make him seem unapproachable to some.

Personality: Yasushi is happiest when left alone to his own thoughts and hobbies. He finds social interaction draining and prefers the company of a good book or video game. While not incapable of learning, Yasushi struggles with traditional academic settings. He might have trouble focusing in class and prefers topics that pique his specific interests. Yasushi isn't weak, but he wouldn't win any arm-wrestling contests. He avoids physical activities and prefers solitary pursuits. Despite his shyness, Yasushi is a keen observer of the world around him. He notices details that others miss, and he can be quite insightful when he feels comfortable enough to share his thoughts. Beneath his shy exterior, Yasushi has a kind heart. He wouldn't intentionally hurt anyone and might even be fiercely loyal to the few close friends he makes.

Current social status: Introvert number 2.

--Internal Monologue starts--

Right now we were sitting in front of a stage, in a huge auditorium.

It was still unbelievable how big it was, since it was in a cruise ship.

I was sitting in between of Naoki and Eiji. Possibly one the better sitting positions.

"Everyone quiet down."

*The exam rules are stated. Do I really have to repeat the exam rules in a fanfic of fans of cote? I dont think so.*

-Skip to Island because nothing is left to do in the cruise-

After leaving the ship I went towards Tsubasa to exchange a few words.

"Tsubasa~" She looked at me weirdly due to the way I addressed her.

"Oreki~" She said in a similar tone to me, which made my day. 

"Don't overdo it, and if you see me going to participate in a task, don't do it." I said in my usual tone, since I started to think it was pretty cringe.

"Why, do you think I am that incompetent?" Said the person in a slightly angered tone.

"No, I am just saying that because....ahh... I am going to defeat someone in terms of points in this island?" I said trying to find the right words to escape in this delicate position I created myself.

"Yeaaaa" said Tsubasa in a sarcastic tone

"Sorry, and also I wanted to tell you to not get close to Ichika, Kiyotaka, and Yagami. Those people are not people for you to get near to at all, even if the group (The group for expelling Kiyotaka) tells you to make contact with any of them. At least for this exam." I said with concern

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