13. Caring or heartless

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Alvin's pov*

I stood in front of the basement, I could hear the screams of those bastards. This week was really tough for them and pleasurable for me. I love those painful screams, they are melodies to my ears.

Finally I got the location of the diamonds these bastards were not ready to spit the information but whom they are kidding, AV knows everything, every weakness, and the limit that anyone could bear my torture. Well, good for them.

“ Sir, we got the diamonds and the information about the new location too” Said Joe, my Right hand taking me out of my thoughts while I nodded in understanding.

“ Send it for manufacturing and start searching for a new location, I want everything cleared. No more mistakes” I told him while he nodded in agreement.

“ Don't worry sir, we have cleared the mess and we are heading to the new location”he told me while I nodded, he immediately walked off the basement while I again got lost in my thoughts until someone decided to intervene.

“ How does it feels AV? How does it feel to be a saviour of so many people? I personally feel so good.” he said while I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

“ Powerful, I feel very powerful to get the diamonds effortlessly. It feels good,”I replied, obviously making sure that I really don't want to talk about that topic.

“ Why are you so ignorant towards your pure soul, there is a soul inside you who craves to stop every injustice, then why are you so desperate to make yourself a villain?” He said as frustration was visible in his tone.

“ Some good deeds can never overshadow my mistakes, I already told you I was here for diamonds, let's stick to that” I said while he sighed.

“ Ohh okk, so I guess we should change the topic. Yup how about the topic Miss Ishita kapoor '' the moment he took my kitten's name, I wanted to punch his face. She is mine. He should know this.

“ I need to go,” I said while he furrowed his eyebrows.

“ Don't worry I am not snatching her, but yeah your behaviour towards her is forcing me to have a second thought about your feelings” He said making me confused about what he wants to say.

“ What do you mean?” I asked him.

“ I mean…” Before he could say, a call interrupted him.

“ It's Joe, we will talk about this later. I need to go, "he said while I nodded. Soon he went out while I also thought of my kitten. I should meet her.

Suddenly her figure while touching herself flashed in my mind, and I could feel my cheeks and neck turning hot.

My kitten is definitely missing me, I should pay a visit to her. I thought about her and a smirk played on my lips and now I can't stop thinking about her, my feet started walking by itself. My kitten has definitely done some black magic.




I stood in front of the secret door, something was happening inside which I had no idea about. I don't know but something was happening in my chest, it was beating so fast. Oh c'mon AV it's not like you're meeting her for the first time, my inner self taunted me. Yeah, it's not like I am meeting her for the time but every time I meet her this happens. It feels like I am meeting her for the first time whenever I meet her. I entered the code and the door opened inside her apartment, the apartment looked empty. Is my kitten not home yet? No problem, let's wait for her.

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