46. Confrontation

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Mention of rape and cruelty, read at your own risk

Author’s Pov

“Leave her hand” said Abhimanyu standing in front of Ishita while she stood confused between her brother and Husband,it was like history repeating itself. The whole area was filled with guests. Ishita looked down,she didn't know what to do.That’s when Abhimanyu held her hands and once again she was standing between her Brother and husband in the same situation.

“Don’t touch my sister,leave her hands” Said Abhmanyu in his cold scary voice tightening his hold around her wrist.

“She is my wife and I have all rights to touch her” Said Alvin in the same cold stern tone it was like no one was ready to back off and Alvin was standing his ground not caring that he was standing in Abhimanyu’s  palace.

All the guests were staring at them weirdly. Suddenly it was all awkward for everyone.Siya came and held Abhimanyu’s hand while he shot her a glare and she gave him a sweet smile. His heart skipped a beat.

“ Leave his hand Abhi” she said softly while he gave her an accusing gaze of not supporting him.

“ I won’t Shona, please don’t support him” He said while she sighed a little.

“I am not supporting anyone,but let them sort out their things.I guess Ishi is mature enough to decide what she wants.” She said while Abhimanyu stood his ground.

“He has hurt her already, i won’t let it happen again”He said while Siya sighed.

“ That’s Ishi’s part to decide,we cannot do anything against her will, right? Our part is to support her whatever she decide,we can’t force our choice and that too when we truly are not aware of the actual situation” said Siya while Abhimanyu was helpless, he looked at Alvin with piercing gaze to not tell any unnecessary things while Alvin just stood at his place.

Slowly Abhi left her hands and kissed her head. “ Whatever you decide or get to know ,don’t be afraid you have your brother and family” he said and patted her head while she nodded.

“ Dinner is ready, we should head towards the dining area and give some privacy to solve the little banter of my sister and brother-in-law” said Siya with a chuckle trying to handle the situation and it kind of worked.Everyone chuckled a little and then they moved towards the dining area. Siya held Abhumanyu’s hand and took him out while he followed her not before murdering Alvin 999th time with his gaze.

Everyone got busy while Ishita looked at Alvin while he looked at her blankly. She took him towards her room while didn’t leave her wrist even for a second.

She entered the room and closed the door behind.She stood in front of him angrily, “Why are you here?” She asked him while he looked at her fiercely and pulled her loser by her waist.

“ And why shouldn't I be here?My wife left me alone suddenly and didn't realise it’s been a month,no call,no text. Tell me kitten, why shouldn’t I be here?”He asked her to gritting his teeth in ginger,his voice was deep and scary giving a chill to her spine but she maintained her composure.

“WHICH WIFE? - she shouted in anger, -Which wife with whom you lied ,with whom you hid things,with whom you played,whom you kept in in illusion,whom you married without even asking her will,whom you made feel hell and guilty” She said and tear fell from her eyes while his heart clenched in pain.

“ No,the wife whom i love dearly,the wife for whom i can do anything,the wife for whom i forgot my ever pain,the wife who is reason of my smile,the wife whom i am afraid to lose,the wife who is reason of the peaceful sleep,the wife who is reason of my existence”He poured his heart out while her heart skipped a beat but she stood her ground she would not let her feeling takeover her mind.

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