25. Ishita trust Alvin

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Sensitive content ahead, mention of child abuse , avoid the flashback part if you're uncomfortable

Ishita's Pov*

“ Kitten, open the door, what happened? I am worried please open the door” He kept knocking while I turned numb, I don't know what to do.

I hid the phone in between towels, not before switching it off. I closed the cabinet and took a deep breath. I opened the door slowly and he entered hurriedly.

“What happened, kitten?Why did you run?” He asked, cupping my cheeks while tension was dripping from his face.

I held his hands and took a deep breath. It seems like I need to elaborate now, but I am a little embarrassed.

“ Uhhh Nothing to worry, I got my periods and it's kinda…..” I tried to make him understand but failed miserably.

“Ok ok, I get it. You don't need to be embarrassed.” He cupped my cheeks, while I waited for him to leave but he stood like a statue.

“ You're supposed to leave, I need to change” I said, as my body is breaking apart from last night's activities now he is being stubborn.

“ You can change, I am here. What if you need help you're already weak. I will turn around but let me be here” he said while I stared at him like an alien,did he hit his head somewhere.

“ You will not leave?” I asked in a warning tone.

“ Nope, try whatever you want to” He said now I am sure he will not listen to me. This dickhead, ohh God. I need to use my genius brain.

“ That's so sweet of you, you want to help me. Can you bring those napkins from the nightstand? I need it” I said while he nodded and moved outside, poor man. The moment he stepped out I locked the door immediately.

“ Heyyy this is cheating, you should not be doing this let me in” He said while I rolled my eyes in frustration, this man is childish sometimes, no correction all the time.

“ Avi, I promise I will be fine, till then can you wait in the living area. Please” I said.

“ Fine, but take care. You're so stubborn sometimes' ' He said and left, while I took a deep breath. I took a warm shower, which calmed my breaking body and changed the pads immediately. My periods were on time so I didn't get any cramps. I immediately changed into a new pair of clothes.

I turned on the shower, so the person outside thought I was showering. I took the phone immediately, and switched it on. This phone has high end security with a smart VPN. So, I can't get caught easily.

I immediately called Alex, and he picked up my phone in two ringtones.

“Where were you? Are you fine? Did he get to know?” He asked in a go, while I took a deep breath, I could understand his concern. Alvin's fear is everywhere we need to be careful.

“I am fine, don't worry" I said, I almost forgot about this mission thing, last night was never influenced by this act. I don't know why but my heart trusts Alvin more, that he can't do all these but the proof tells something else.

“ that's good, have you started your work, I mean we don't have much time those girls can be sold any moment, you need to start your work”he said, I a serious tone and I get it we need to save those girls, I can't let then rot in hell but I want to give Alvin a benefit of doubt.

“Alex, do you really think Alvin is involved in this? I mean there might be a possibility, someone is using his name and hiding his sin by putting his name. I mean there can be a possibility, that Alvin is not involved in this, his people are doing this work under his nose” I said, but the other side went all in silence, the silence I feared most. I was praying that this should be the only truth.

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