𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐈𝐬 𝐎𝐮𝐭

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*It was a new morning and Hargun was already ready with her stuff and was leaving for her office with Anushka..as she was walking down the corridor Hargun's eyes were only searching for Ishan rather than the fact she is gonna ignore him..she was busy peeking at the playground and suddenly she bumped into someone..and she was non other than Aditi Hundia..she was holding her coffee mug and was taking a brisk walk through the corridor*

"Can't you see"...Said Aditi angrily.

*Hargun took a step back steadying herself and looking at the coffee splattered on Aditi's outfit*

"I'm really sorry Aditi"..Hargun said calmly..her eyes were sincere.

Aditi glared at her.."Oh Girl..you got the guts to call me by my name.. who'll add MAM!!..Don't you know who I am..for your gentle reminder..I am the girlfriend of Ishan Kishan"... She said with a smirk on her face.

"Sorry Mam I wasn't paying attention while walking..it's all my fault.. I'll pay for the dress mam..I am extremely sorry"...Said Hargun.

"What did you just say..you'll pay for the dress..this night suit ain't gonna be purchased by your salary.. it's DIOR..you dumbass bitch"...Said Aditi angrily..

The Night suit Aditi was wearing:-

The Night suit Aditi was wearing:-

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"Sorry mam..I'll take care of my actions from now onwards"...Said Hargun.
*All the other players gathered in the corridor seeing getting things out of hand*

"What happened to Aditi why are you so furious at her?"...Said Shubhman.

"Ask her Shubhman..she just ruined my day and Dior..such a bitch she is"... Said Aditi glaring at Hargun.

"Enough of you Aditi..if I ain't saying something it doesn't mean I fear you or something..I ain't Hargun mind that"...Said Anushka furiously.

"Who the hell do you think you're.. lemme show you your status you dumb"...Said Aditi..holding Anushka's color.

Anushka grabbed Aditi's hands off from her collor "You fuckin bitch..a gentle reminder for you that Hargun just ruined your Dior..but my one punch is enough to ruin your face..mind my words..get your hands off..or I'll chop em off"...Said Anushka with a smirk.

*Meanwhile Kuldeep was praising her girl in his mind..he was literally surprised that a shy girl is actually a badass..Ishan arrived at the spot*

"Kya ho rha hai ye sab"...Ishan asked looking at the tense scene.

Rohit stepped forward trying to handle the situation "Are woh ho jao sab..kya khete usko..are woh?"

"Shant?..yahi bol rha"...Said Virat.

"Haa haa wohi..shant ho jao sab..Aditi let it be..It was an accident"...Said Rohit.

Aditi scoffed but released her grip on Anushka. "Fine..but this isn't over" she muttered turning away.

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