𝐻𝒶𝓅𝓅𝓎 𝒽𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓁: 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟣

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Charlie was a very enthusiastic demon she always saw the good in demons even if they didn't deserve it...so she sparked an idea it was a very bold one at that she planned on opening a hotel to house sinners and see if redemption for sinners was possible her plan was to help these demons change and make their way into heaven! Her plan was set she used her father's land and started up a hotel she called the Happy hotel to help put her plan into action and she was determined. Vaggie on the other hand thought otherwise but she loved Charlie, and she was loyal she only wanted to see Charlie grow and be happy and feel proud of herself. so Vaggie volunteered to help as a staff member at the hotel and its one single resident...his name was angel dust a famous Porn star for a greedy and selfish overlord named Valentino; trapped in a contract he held all the power over Angel and didn't plan on returning it; Angel was one of his more...Popular stars and made him a lot of money...with that Angel moved into the Happy hotel to live rent free and hopefully be able to afford more cocaine in his own words. the hotel was empty...not much food only a few Popsicles and water bottles and it was still fairly dirty and had a few cobwebs and dust bunnies around it was in dire need of a makeover...Charlie walked out into the empty hallways to call her mother who had been gone for almost 7 years now and she never answered poor Charlies calls...Charlie left another Solem voicemail and threw her head back to press it against the door and let out a breathy sigh... and for a few minutes she felt at peace in the peace and quiet of her own mind spinning herself around in circles recalling all of her faint memories with her mother most of her memories were with her dad who was still present but 'Very busy' all the time soaking in his own sorrows in his palace...Charlie didn't want to think about how sad her father felt right this second though she wanted to think about how she could possibly make a difference and get far in her life and move forward with the things she found possible...a loud knock hits the door in the middle of her thoughts disrupting her daydreaming and she stood back up quickly looking at the door with a bit of a nervous look on her face retreating her hand from the doorknob before actually opening it...she caught a glimpse of a very tall man around 7 feet tall dressed very classy and perfectly red but he had a grey to brown look of skin color and deer ears that stood tall on his head and tiny black antlers atop his head that grow when he uses his power.
Charlie slams the door in his face and makes a nervous face once again before opening it again.
Charlie shuts the door again and whips around the corner to look at her girlfriend Vaggie bickering with Angel dust before Charlie meets her gaze directly...
"The radio demon is at the door." she said clearly with an exaggerated smile on her face to signal his big toothy grin he always wore.
Vaggie asks in a loud almost yelling voice bouncing up onto her feet standing up and looking at her in a serious and concerned voice as Charlie continued to speak.
"What am I supposed to do!"
She dragged her hands across her face in an exhausted manner Looking back at the door with concern wondering how she got in this situation, but she knew deep down that her values drove her here...she knew every single soul was good deep down and this is why she started the Hotel to begin with...
"Don't let him in!"
Vaggie exclaimed flailing her arms around like a maniac to try and persuade Charlie that she would put herself in danger if she let this demon in
"I can't Vaggie it would go against everything I ever believed in."

𝒬𝓊𝑒𝑒𝓇 𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓉𝑜𝓃𝒾𝒸 𝓅𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓃𝑒𝓇𝓈Where stories live. Discover now