Scene 4

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Echo is sitting onstage listening to the teacher or at least trying to as her

mind starts to wander

ECHO: ( to audience) This class is pretty easy I'm getting bored, I wonder if I look out that window what will I see-

Spotlights hit again as Dianne comes and continues the thought process

DIANNE: Hey look at that pretty garden outside and that big tree I wonder if you could climb that tree

ECHO : Yeah, i could just jump on that branch and climb that other branch and go higher and higher and look there a squirrel

DIANNE: Oh that's so cool I wonder if...

NICK (snapping his fingers): Hey, Hey, we are supposed to be paying attention, stop distracted the kid

DIANNE (rolling their eyes): Well SORRY Mr. uptight

NICK: I am NOT uptight

DIANNE: yes you are

ECHO: Guys GUYS, I'm trying to listen.... But you are a little uptight

NICK: Whatever, you need to listen to the teacher or else you will miss what she is saying and you're going to look like an idiot, and worst of all you're going to need to... (in a scary voice) ASK FOR HELP

ECHO and DIANNE (gasp): NO

The spotlight leave as soon as the teacher speak to Echo and Echo is

snapped back to reality

TEACHER: IS there something you would like to share to the class Ms.ECHO

VIOLET(embarrassed): N-no sorry 

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