Chapter 2- A Battle Lost

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"Devin! Wait up!" I ran down the hallway. He was standing by the lockers telling his bull shit stories again to a group of girls that would believe anything he said. "Story time is over. I need to talk to you....alone."

He started to laugh, "Sorry ladies, you heard her." When they finally stopped begging to stay and left, I went into full interrogation mode.

"Are you Diana's secret side piece? Do you even like her like that? Do you..."
Devin looked at me with that I don't know what the fuck you're talking about face. So I stopped and slowed it down a bit, "Are you Diana's side piece?" Devin started to smile.
So it's true! I knew it! He signaled me with his finger to come closer. Now I was finally going to get proof! Well that's what I thought but instead with a cold and harsh voice he whispered in my ear,

"I will never be anyone's side piece."
Then he put on a smile again and walked away.

"Damn it. I thought that he was definitely the one." I texted Jade and Jaden about it and they said the same thing happened to them. So I didn't have a choice but to wait until lunch so we could meet up again. As a result I had to go to my malicious first block math class. No, I take that back. The class isn't evil, the TEACHER IS.

Her name is Ms. Boykins.
Here are just a few of the reasons that she is the worst teacher in history:

1. She calls me on stuff that she knows I don't know the answer to
2. She keeps giving out pop quizzes (more like pop tests)
3. She is sarcastic at the worst times
4. Sometimes she uses my grade in her class as a bad example without even asking

By the time we got our schedules it was too late and I couldn't change my classes. I was stuck with her. The only thing I look forward to is seeing in the hell hole is Victoria Davis and Kevin Oliver.

I just met Kevin this year he's a little nerdy (cute nerdy) but cool overall. He helps me with any of the things I need. The only bad part about him is that sometimes he's not that much of a talker (I have to keep bringing up stuff to keep the conversation going). Victoria on the other hand I knew since middle but we didn't really start talking till this year because she has develop a crush on Jaden. She's really a nice person but when Jaden comes around she goes ghost. I can't blame her though the twins are gorgeous. They are really popular in the school too.

I felt someone tapping my shoulder. When I turn around it was Kevin and he was pointing to the front of the classroom. "Ms. Harris do you need to go to the nurse's office?" Ms. Boykins said while crossing her arms. Her dumb question was my opening I needed to get out of class. I started to fake cough, "I think I do need to go." I said while grabbing my stuff. "Ms. Harris sit down." The class started to laugh. I did as she said. Personally I think she need to make up her mind and don't ask me stupid questions.

It was hard but I survived the first two blocks of school. My reward for doing so was getting to go to lunch. At my table is Kevin, Victoria, Jade, Jaden, Jacobi, and Diana. (Jacobi and Diana switch tables week to week so they both can sit with their friends). We all were talking about how crazy it is that Jaden made the highest grade in his class on a chemistry test even over Jade.

"I told you I'm the better twin," Jaden said loudly. When I looked over towards Victoria I could see her slightly smiling and nodding her head. It made me laugh and when I was finished everyone was staring. "What?"

 Jacobi was the first one to answer my question, "What are you laughing about?" I shook my head, "Nothing." Thinking about it made me chuckle even more. Then he started to laugh too which made the whole table smile well...except for Diana (This is the reason why I love him so much he can make a whole table smile! Diana doesn't count and from so far we all know why). Then Kevin started to talk (with a mix of laughing), "Guys y'all should have seen when Ms. Sick over there tried to walk out of class." 

I rolled my eyes, "It's not my fault, I just don't like Ms. Boykins and she doesn't like me." I could see everyone smiling trying to hold back from laughing. It was even hard for me to do that so I was the first one.

"Well, maybe it's not Ms. Boykins fault. Maybe it was something you did." The table went silent and I knew the only person who would say that bull is Diana. I stared at her shooting daggers. "Why do you think that?" 

Her smile was evil,  "Some students are just childish and I know from experience from my own friends how hard that can be." The nerve of her to call me childish just not in front of my real friends but in front of, my future bae, Jacobi too. I swear he is the only reason why I didn't jump across this table. Instead I just smiled (one more evil then hers), "Hey Diana, could I have heart to heart with you for a minuet." I got up and she did the same and we grabbed our things. Before we left Diana smiled once more then looked at Jacobi, "Bye babe." After at least a ten second kiss (A kiss that I would rather not have seen). I lead her into the girls bathroom. While walking I could see Jade following us.

"So, what do you want to talk about," she said rolling her eyes. "Why are you doing this? I know you don't truly like Jacobi and I know you hate me. So why call me your friend?" She started to laugh, "Because I hate you that's why. You walk around school thinking that you can be on top. Well, let me tell you one can't because that is my place. I will break you before this school year ends and that isn't a threat but a promise."

With every word off that bull that she said, I started to take my earrings off and quickly put my hair into a ponytail. When she was done talking I was ready to jump at her and I almost did but Jade stopped me before I could. "Jade, let me go!" I could see Diana crossing her arms and just standing there, "Like I said...childish." 

She grabbed her things and left and when she did Jade let me go. I was so angry I could scream, "Why did you do that? You heard what she said." All of a sudden Jade started to hug me, "Don't let her get to you. Don't let her win."

After a few seconds, slowly, I started to calm down.  In the corner of my eye I could see my reflection in the mirror. What was I thinking? I was really about to beat up a bitch. I chuckled at my stupidity. I stepped back so I could look Jade in the face, "I'm sorry."

 She smiled, "Don't forget we all have your back." I nodded my head.

You won this battle Diana but the war is not over yet...

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