camera flashes make it look like a dream

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april 13th, 2024

kate, jada, gabbie, and i are all sitting in our crammed hotel room getting ready for SNL. we've all got our outfits on and jada is finishing up my makeup while gabbie curls kate's hair. i invited them to come with me while we were at the final four and i'm so happy they said yes because i don't think i could have done this alone.

my stomach is turning with nerves and my heart is beating out of my chest. i know it'll be fun, i'm just nervous i'll mess it up or it won't go over well. once everybody's ready we meet up with my family and head to building. 

as soon as we get out of the car my nerves start to fade, seeing all the fans lined up and camera flashes everywhere. i smile and run to sign as many autographs as i can before i have to go inside. 

i shake hands with some of the producers and directors and head out to the stage. michael introduces me and the crowd goes wild. i can't contain my smile as i hear the applause, i still have a hard time wrapping my head around all the people who want to watch me. 

my skit goes great and the audience loved it. at the end of the show, kate, jada, and gabbie get to come on stage with me to close it out. we wave bye to the audience and head to take pictures with a few people. after everything's over, jada finds a nice restaurant for us to eat dinner at. we look through all the pictures we took from the trip and the show tonight, reposting and liking everyone congratulating me. 

we raise our drinks in a toast.

"to caitlin! you're name is going up in lights!" kate says and we all laugh. 

april 15th, 2024

i wake up to my alarm blaring and i roll over to turn it off. i sit up in the bed and reach for my phone, looking at all the 'good luck!' and 'i'm so proud of you!' texts. i smile as i type back responses to all. today's the day of the draft, what i've been waiting for my whole life. 

after getting ready, all of the drafties go around the city and do media press for most of the morning. around lunch we all head to get our hair and make up done since we have to arrive at the building a few hours before the draft actually starts.

kate, jada, and gabbie are all in my room getting themselves ready as my makeup and hair crew move around me. we laugh and talk for hours until i have to go to the bus, all three of the girls hugging me and telling me how pretty i look. i walk out with cameron brink to the bus and we find the rest of the girls to sit down with. 

as i walk off the bus, the fans and photographers go crazy. cameras are flashing everywhere as i walk into the building, as all the girls were told we needed to head straight inside instead of signing autographs. 

after we go through the red carpet and interviews for hours, it's finally time to start. me and my family find our table and sit down, my leg shaking anxiously. i know it's pretty much confirmed that i'm going to the indiana fever, but i'm still a bit nervous to find out. all the girls sit down with their families as well and the fans start to quiet down. 

cathy engelbert, the announcer, walks to the podium and the room is silent. she smiles out to us before she starts speaking.

"with the first pick in the 2024 WNBA draft, the indiana fever select... caitlin clark, university of iowa." the room erupts with claps and cheers as i stand up to hug blake, colin, my dad, then my mom. 

i feel the nerves leave my body as i walk up on stage, taking pictures with cathy and the model jersey. i hug her and head to do an interview with holly before they call for the second pick. she asks me the expected questions, how am i feeling, how long have i been dreaming of this, who i've brought to support me, etc. before i head back to my seat, she tells me one more thing.

"you really are the lucky one, babe." i smile widely, the excitement written all over my face.

"i certainly am." the audience gives me another round of applause as i hug my old coach, lisa, and head to the back for more interviews. cameron gets drafted to the sparks, kate gets drafted to the aces, and one of my old team USA teammates, celeste taylor, gets drafted to indiana with me. 

i take lots of pictures, sign autographs, take phone calls, and celebrate with my best friends. i couldn't have asked for anything better, this is a dream come true.

april 17th, 2024

today is my introductory day to indiana. i have media availability first, then i'm being shown around the arena and given my locker, meet some of the girls and lastly take pictures in my new jersey. 

i get my hair and makeup done and decide on a black dress with a tuxedo jacket around my shoulders. christie and i arrive at the building and exit the limo to see a red carpet rolled out all the way through the building. fans are cheering everywhere and i can't even contain my excitement. all of these people are here for me, it's insane. 

after saying hi to fans i make my way down the steps to the stage set up for the media conference. christie and lin sit on both sides of me and the questions start rolling. my family is in the front row, cheering me on. we wrap it up and take a few pictures with my jersey before heading to the locker room.

cameras have been following me all day, but i really don't mind. they film my reaction to my new locker and seeing my official jersey. i smile and share my appreciation, sitting down to film an interview about my transition. 

after the interview is done i change into my jersey and head to get pictures taken. i see erica on the way in, giving her a hug and bringing her into the media room with me. i take some solo pictures and have erica in a few as well. i walk out of the room and hug a few of the other girls, introducing myself to the ones i haven't met before.

i've done everything that was on my agenda day, meaning it's time to go back to my hotel room and get some sleep for tomorrow. i fly back to iowa in the morning to start packing my stuff and spend one more day with my family before i have to leave the next and come back to indiana for more media. 

i'll be fully moved into indiana by the beginning of next week. it's all going very fast, but i couldn't be more excited. 

i can't believe this is my new life, getting to live out my dream every day.

authors note

watching the fever games are painful christie sides needs to count her days

sweet nothing - caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now