everything you lose is a step you take

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april 22nd, 2024 

music is flowing softly through my room as i pack my folded clothes into boxes. i have to get all of my stuff packed today so that i can take my necessities in the car with me and my family send over the rest of my stuff once i'm settled. that won't be for a bit though, i'll be in a hotel until i can find an apartment. 

as i'm taping up the box, i hear a knock on the door so i move to pause my music and yell a 'come in.' the door opens to my roommate and teammate kylie, tears already welling in her eyes. i smile and close the space between us in a hug, laying my head on her shoulder.

"don't cry or you're gonna make me cry." i try a laugh but it comes out as a choked sniffle. kylie sniffles too and rubs her hand across my back gently.

"i'm trying so hard not to cait, i'm gonna miss you so much." tears are slowly falling from both of our eyes, knowing this is the last time we'll be together like this. i pull her in tighter and sigh.

"i'll miss you so much more. i'll miss all of you guys, how am i gonna do this on my own?" the nerves have been settling inside of me ever since i decided to declare for the draft. i knew in my mind i'd be all on my own out there, but it never sank in until now. 

"you'll never be on your own, we'll always be right here with you." her words comfort me and i know she's right. nothing has to change just because i'm leaving. 

"speaking of which, i have a little something for you." she slowly pulls away and steps back to where she can reach an object right outside of the door frame. it's a rectangular shaped object in yellow wrapping paper, about the size and shape of a poster board. she hands it to me and i find a spot to start tearing the paper. 

once i've pulled enough off of the corner to be able to see part of it, tears spring into my eyes. i unwrap the rest swiftly, eyes scanning every piece of it. it's a bunch of printed out pictures of me with the team at dinners, games, birthdays, holidays, and so much more glue onto a large canvas, to where i can easily hang it up in my new place.

tears are now rolling down my face as i look up at kylie, her face mirroring mine exactly. i have no words, so i pull her into another tight hug and a shed a few tears on her shoulder. 

"thank you, kylie. i love it so much." my voice comes out hoarse from crying. she lets out a small 'of course' and continues to hold me. we stay like this for a few minutes before i pull away, knowing it's time to start going. 

my parents sent me a text saying they're here to help me load up so i double check everything is packed once more. kylie offers to help and starts taking boxes down to the car as my parents come inside. i give them both tight hugs, knowing that soon i won't get these hugs as often. 

we all four take boxes and bags until everything i need is in there. i hug all three of them for the last time and get into my car. i've already said my goodbyes to the whole team and coaching staff, but i know i want to say goodbye to kate, jada, and gabbie one last time. i take the short trip to their apartment building and head up the elevator.

i reach jada's door and knock loudly, knowing she's always distracted so i need to get her attention. the door opens quickly and jada is on the other side, tears in her eyes as soon as she sees me. she pulls me into the room and hugs me tight, crying into my shoulder. i hold her back just a tight and let more tears fall down my face.

from the corner of my eye i see kate and gabbie walk into view, their eyes red as well. kate is also moving out today, all the way to las vegas. i extend my arms for them to join the hug and they do, our sobs and sniffles filling the air. 

after a few minutes we pull back and give individual hugs. i wrap my arms around gabbie's neck and pull her into me. she'll be here for a few more months before going to UNC to complete her master's degree. i can feel her tears soaking through my shirt and my doing the exact same to hers. 

we pull away and i immediately grab kate, hugging her tighter than i even imagined i could. i don't know what i'm gonna do without her. she's been my rock all 4 years here, the only one who knows how to calm me down on and off the court. the decision between taking my 5th year or declaring for the draft wasn't even a question when i realized kate wouldn't be coming back with me. i can't imagine myself ever playing at iowa without her. 

she lets go of me and brushes the tears from underneath my eyes, since they've started rolling down hot and fast. jada and gabbie shuffle closer to us and we have another group hug. i know i've always dreamed of getting out of this town, but there the only ones that could make me stay all my days. 

jada abruptly pulls away and rushes to her room, saying she forgot something. the three of us share a look as she joins us again, holding four bracelets in her hand. she holds one out to each one of us. 

"these are the friendship bracelets we made the other night and you guys left them here because you didn't want to lose them at practice. i didn't want you guys to leave without them." each bracelet had the letters 'c+k+g+j" surrounded with little yellow beads on both sides. i reach for mine and slide it on my wrist while the others do the same. tears build up in my eyes once more, i didn't even know i could cry this much.

i throw my arms around all of them one last time, exchanging 'i love you's' and 'i love you more's' before finally letting go. we say our goodbyes and me and kate walk out together. no words are exchanged, as neither of us know how to put what we're feeling into words. once we reach our cars she hugs me tightly for the last time.

"you're gonna kill it, caitlin. i'm so proud of you." i sob into her shoulders, not ready to let go. not ready to let go of her, of my team, of iowa, of everything i've ever known. 

"i'm so proud of you too, i knew you could do it." she squeezes me tighter. i know how badly she wanted to be drafted and how nervous she was she wouldn't get picked, but i never doubted she would. 

i take a deep breath and remove my arms, accepting that it's time to let go. 

"i guess we're on our own now, aren't we?" i question. she holds eye contact and smiles before responding. 

"we always have been." 

authors note

ellie and caitlin will meet soon trust 

i just want to give some caitlin background before we get into everything

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