all i know is a simple name

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april 24th, 2024

i walk into the bathroom stall and take my blue shirt off. i unfold the shirt caitlin gave me, a grey iowa shirt. the fact that just a few days ago she was still an iowa player and now she's in the pros is insane, it all happened so quick. i slide the iowa shirt over my head and exit the stall.

i look at myself in the mirror, still thinking about how much i need a shower. i shake my head and open the door to leave the bathroom. i look around for a minute before i see caitlin sitting on one of the small couches in the corner. she turns around as soon as i find her and waves me over to her. i grin and walk over. 

i take the couch across from hers, a table placed in between the two. she has a coffee and a muffin and there's a coffee and the lemon loaf placed in front of my seat. i fold up my dirty shirt and set it on the end of the couch.

"thank you for buying my drink." i tell her as i pick up my coffee to take a sip. she shakes her head.

"of course. i'm sorry again-- for running into you. i wasn't paying attention at all." a serious look is on her face the entire time she speaks and i can't help but laugh. 

"caitlin, it's okay. i promise i've been bumped into on accident before. you don't have to apologize." she grins at me, taking a sip of her drink. 

"i guess it's a good thing though, since now i get to talk to you." i feel my face heat up. i take a bite of my loaf to give myself a second to pull it together and act normal. 

"it's a very good thing." i agree. caitlin smiles and i feel my heart racing again.

she is so cute.

"so ellie, are you from here?" she starts the conversation off. good thing she did because i might've called her cute right then and there.

"no actually," i shake my head, "i'm from colorado. i just came here for college." she looks up from her muffin to ask another question.

"which part of colorado are you from?" she asks.

"denver," i tell her, "so cold there, but i love it." she puts here muffin down and leans forward with her elbows on her knees.

"really? do you ever go skiing?" she stares at me very intrigued. i start to laugh and she does too.

"what? why are you laughing?" caitlin asks through her own laugh. i lean over and match her sitting position. 

"nothing, i've just never seen anybody so excited to ask if i go skiing. have you never been?" she shakes her head and reaches for her drink, pausing to talk.

"no, but i want to go so so bad. i keep trying to get my family to take a trip there." i raise my eyebrows in confusion.

"why haven't y'all?" i ask curiously. her shoulders slump a bit, sinking into herself slightly.

"it's mostly because of me, i never have time to do much that's not basketball related." her voice is quiet as she says this.

"i know you play from fall to spring but do you guys have stuff to do all year round? like practicing?" i wonder and she takes a second to respond.

"i mean, as a team some, but mainly it's me doing stuff 24/7. when i'm not playing i'm doing interviews or commercials or brand deals, travelling to accept awards, or doing privates in the gym. i'm always doing something that i can't miss." her head is resting on her knees now and i take a good look at her.

she looks really tired. 

she sits up within seconds and takes another bite of her muffin.

"but i don't mind any of that--of course, i'm grateful to be here and i know how lucky i-" she's talking at a fast pace so i cut her off and flash her a smile.

sweet nothing - caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now