give you the silence that only comes when two people understand each other

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may 15th, 2024

i wake up around 11 am and throw on shorts and a tank top to head to the store. i know caitlin had a rough night last night so i plan on inviting her over and cooking for her. i just want her to know that she has somewhere she can let her guard down and not have the weight of the world on her shoulders. 

i pull out my phone to text caitlin before i leave the apartment


good morning!

do you have plans today?

i start heading down to the car when i see she's already responded. i was hoping she would still be asleep since she got in so late last night, but i guess not. 


morning el <3

i have practice from 1 to 3 but after that i'm free

what's up?


well i know you had a bit of a rough night last night and i know you have another game tomorrow 

so i was gonna ask if you maybe wanted to come over tonight and just hang out?

if you're too tired i totally get that


of course i would love to!

what time should i be there?


since practice is over at 3 maybe come around 5?

so you have time to shower and do all of that



see you at 5 :)



i smile and slide my phone into my purse. i get down to my car and drive to the store. i have no clue what her favorite foods are, so i decide to make breakfast for dinner. my parents always made it for me when i was having a bad day, maybe it'll do the same for her. 

i grab a buggy and head to the food aisles. i reach for a can of cinnamon rolls and throw it in. then i move to find the pancake mix and mentally double check that i have eggs and oil at home. i remember seeing both last night, so i take that as a yes and move on.

i get some strawberries, blueberries, and bananas to top the pancakes and have as a side as well. i know i have bacon at home and syrup, so i don't need either of those. i run over to the juices and grab a small carton of orange juice as well. 

after going through the buggy, i determine i have everything i need and wheel the buggy to a register. once i'm checked out i take the bags out to the car and put them in the back. 

i plug my phone in and click on my olivia rodrigo playlist for the ride home. i park at the complex and get out to get my bags. i make my way up the elevator and back into my apartment. 

sweet nothing - caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now