just to learn that my dreams aren't rare

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may 3rd, 2024

i wake up early this morning to finish packing my bags for dallas. we have our first preseason game against the wings at their home court. the last week or so has been a whirlwind, we had training camp almost every day and practices afterwards a few times. 

training camp was a hard adjustment for me and i just hope i impressed christie and the rest of the staff. i made most of my shots and had pretty good passes but you could just feel the lack of chemistry. obviously that's gonna happen since three new people came on but even with the team from last year they don't play together well.

for all of my years at iowa i knew i had a for sure starting spot so coming in here was like trying out for a whole new team again. everyone works so hard and i truly realized much i have to prove. 

i had media multiple times a day throughout camp so cameras were basically everywhere all week. filming us practicing, photographers taking individual pictures, and interviewers lining up at the door. i could tell how much it freaked most of the girls out since they've never dealt with this, and for a moment i almost feel envious of them. 

i can't remember the last time someone wasn't filming me practice or having media interviews constantly. i shot those thoughts down quickly though, reminding myself how lucky i am to be here. i know i am and i'm really grateful, there's just some days where it gets to be a lot and moving here only made me realize how much bigger it's gonna get. 

i block all of that out and gather my stuff for the plane ride. the league just announced charter flights for all the teams, but our preseason games arrived before everything was settled so we're flying scheduled. we have to be at the airport by 10 am so we're meeting at the arena to ride together on the bus. 

my little brother colin is living with me for the summer, so i walk over to his bed and kiss him on the forehead to tell him goodbye. i make sure i have everything i need and walk out of the hotel room, locking the door and turning off all the lights. i load up my car and take the short drive to gainbridge. 

i grab my suitcase and carry on and head to the bus. my suitcase gets loaded in the back and i enter the bus. erica waves me over to her, in front of lexie and katie lou. i smile and walk over to take the seat next to erica. they ask me about my morning and i tell them it's been good. i mention how i'm gonna miss colin and worry about him being alone. 

"he's your younger brother, right?" lexie asks. i nod and she smiles.

"that's so sweet i didn't know he was living with you." katie lou says. 

"he'll just be here for the summer. he's got a year of college left and he had to leave the dorms for summer so i asked if he would come stay with me, just so i have someone here for a little bit." i tell them. 

the conversation continues about me being a bit homesick and them making sure i'm settling in well. after about 30 minutes we arrive at the airport and before anyone moves christie stands at the front of the bus. two guys in black shirts and black pants stand beside her and she looks at me.

"caitlin, you're gonna walk off first and these two guys will be on both sides of you. with the girls behind you hopefully we'll keep you covered from all sides, that sound good?" i nod and erica laughs. 

"damn, the rookie got her own security and everything." the bus erupts in laughter and i smile, hitting her on the arm and telling her to shut up. 

i get up first and swing my carry on back pack on my shoulders. the security guys roll my suitcase to me and once all of the girls gather their bags we walk into the building. true to their word, the two guys stay glued to my sides and nalyssa squeezes in between one of them to walk beside me and keep an eye out. 

sweet nothing - caitlin clarkWhere stories live. Discover now