Chapter 1

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PAGE 1Narration: There was a girl named Klara Prast, who was born many years in the past. Was married off far too young. But time travelling kids came about and liberated her into a modern life. And though Klara got separated from these new friends, she got adopted by two loving dads, Josh and Paul. And the three of them lived happily. 

PAGE 2(montage of them doing stuff together, visiting a zoo, cooking together, watching a show together, Klara practicing on a violin, Josh and Paul watching cheering her on).

PAGE 3Narration: Until one day...

Klara: Hey Josh? Can you help me with this one math problem on my homework? Hm? (sees a lit door to a secret passageway) I don't ever remember seeing that door before. (Klara walks down the stairs of the passageway, hears her dads talking to someone)

PAGE 4(The Dads talking to Sean Madigan about getting a weapon done on a deadline)Klara: (at staircase) Dads! What's going on!?Paul: Honey! You aren't supposed to be here!Josh: How did we leave that door open?

PAGE 5(the three of them go back upstairs) Klara: Josh, you told me you were a freelance code programmer.Josh: I am Klara, but so are a lot of other people in Los Angelos. I can't find enough work to support our living costs. Just the process of adopting you was expensive, dear daughter. So, I met a shady sort of fellow who got me hooked up with good paying work.Klara: What was all that talk about weapons? Josh: Oh, he's got some big plans about destroying buildings and conquering some uppity vigilantes and rising in power. He assured me it wouldn't affect our family.Klara: But that sounds wrong.

PAGE 6Paul: Here Klara, I've made you some tea. Just relax and drink up, and this will all go away like a bad dream.Josh: Let us grown ups worry about grown up things.(Klara notes a little bit of suspicious powder on the saucer near the cup, she has a worried look, bolts out the door)

PAGE 7(Klara runs outside to their backyard, grows a palm tree that she sits on top of)Paul: Klara get down from there, you'll get hurt!

PAGE 8(Klara jumps off the top of the palm tree, makes some vines grow on the other side of the wall, softening her fall)

PAGE 9(Klara walking through some woods between the houses) Klara: Now what do I do? Tell the police? Would they even belive me?...But...There is at least one group of people crazy enough to believe me. I left my phone back home, but I think I remember the address they gave me.

PAGE 10(Klara walking around a hillside. Its started to rain) Klara: I'm sure this is the place, but where could the entrance be?(a laser suddenly blasts the ground near Klara, she screams)Doombot: State your business intruder, or the next shot won't be a warning.Molly: (comes up behind Doombot, wearing a bandana) Hey Doombot, did you see what was up with the proximity alarm? (spots Klara) Klara! (Molly is delighted)

PAGE 11(splash page of Molly hugging Klara and picking her up off her feet in the rain)Molly: Its so good to see you!Klara: Molly! Goodness, you've gotten big!

PAGE 12Molly: Come on, let's get you out of the rain.(Molly, Klara and Doombot walking down a hallway indoors)Molly: So this is Doombot. He was a friend of Victor's and then he sort of became friends with the rest of us.Doombot: Apologies for firing at you, Ms. Prast.Klara: (blanket over her) Uh, apology accepted, I guess. (voices arguing offscreen)Nico: (offscreen) --Its been hard supporting all of you on my own. You could at least help out more.Gert (offscreen): Hey, I did get a weekend job at Target.

PAGE 13(Nico and Gert arguing in the big room of the Hostel, Nico has glasses on, Victor on the couch reading a book, Old Lace curled up napping) Nico: Yeah, and on the first day they fired you because you kept acting rude to the customers!Molly: Hey, quit bickering you two, one of our former members came by for a visit!Victor: Klara! Nico: What are you doing here sweetie? Klara: Well about that...

PAGE 14Narration: One explanation later...Gert: Aha! I was right! Those adopted parents were up to no good afterall!Victor: Gert, she doesn't need that!Klara: Hey guys, where's Karolina at? What about Chase? (the others give Klara a sad silent look)

PAGE 15Nico: Karolina went up into space to do some stuff.Gert: And on the same day Chase got snatched away by a future version of me. It was a weird, sad day for all of us.Klara: Oh...Sorry I asked...

PAGE 16(big stomping noises) Klara: What's that? An earthquake? Here?Gert: Oh no, that's just another of our new members coming along.Molly: Klara, meet Gib!Gib: Another glorious day of football at the high place, as befitting a god such as I.Klara: (freaked out, grabs Molly by the shirt) Molly? It just called itself a god.Molly: (relaxed) Just think of Gib as a funny looking alien. That's what me and Victor do.Klara: Okay...

PAGE 17Victor: So gang, let's focus, what are we going to do about Klara's parent problem? Gert: Obviously the responsible thing to do is just call the Avengers and let them take care of it.Klara: (worried) No! Josh and Paul may be working for a bad guy, but they're still kind and loving people. I don't want then to get beat up or jailed.Nico: How about we just sneak in, beat up the villain that Josh and Paul are working for, leave him tied up for the police. Then just nudge your dads into a legit job. No one will even have to know they worked for a villain.Klara: (delighted) Yes, that would be perfect!Gert: Hold up now, we are not superheroes.Molly: We were always superheroes, we just don't wear tights.

PAGE 19Nico: And Klara is an old friend, why not help her out?Gib: I should like to travel with you.Victor: Hold down the fort while we're gone Doombot.Doombot: Very well.

PAGE 20(They walk to where the two cars are kept)Klara: Say, what happened to the Leapfrog?Nico: Back when Chase was renovating this place he had to sell it for building material funds.(They all get into VW bus and drive off)

PAGE 21(They've driven to Klara's house which appears to be dark and empty) Gert: Well, we've searched the whole house and it appears to be empty. No sign of Josh or Paul.Klara: The secret room I found should be (Klara pushes on wall, it opens up)

PAGE 22(They walk down the stairs) Nico: Clear here too.Victor: I can check their computer.Gert: You think they use "password" as their password? (Victor just plugs himself into a port in the computer) Oh, right.

PAGE 23Victor: Yep, they were definitely working on the A.I. for an army of killer robots. And get this, they're working for the Pride.Nico: The criminal organization our parents started.Gert: But aren't they more about mundane crimes like drug smuggling or shady military contracts? Victor: The current head of the organization is having more grand aspirations. In fact he's scheduled his big opening attack just two days from now.PAGE 24Victor: And that elevator over there goes down to the main base.Nico: What do you say Klara? You want to join us in Operation: Stop Your Dad's Evil Boss? Klara: (determined look on her face) Let's go.

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