Chapter 11

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PAGE 1(Molly and Gert standing over Future Nico's skeleton)Molly: So do you think this Nico is...destroyed? I mean, it seems wrong to ask if she's dead since she's already a skeleton.Gert: I don't know, nor do I care to take the chance. Let's just find Victor and Klara and get out of here as quick as possible!(Molly and Gert leave to look for the others)

PAGE 2(Victor and Klara in a prison cell, Victor sitting on a bench his face in his hands) Klara: I can't grow anything. In fact, I'm cut off from communicating with any plants at all in this prison. Its very eerie for me. (turns around to face Victor) Victor, can you magnetise anything in here? Hey, what's wrong?(Klara sits by Victor on the bench)

PAGE 3Victor: Nico...that Nico was right. I do deserve to get taken apart and made into a generator. At least then I'd be helping people instead of harming them. Klara: Don't listen to her! You're a good man Victor.Victor: I'm not.Klara: You're the buddy thats played videogames with me. You're adorable when you baffle me with all your nerd trivia. You've helped us out in battles and lots of things. We've been blessed to have you as a friend Victor.Victor: You don't know the things I've done. The things I'm guilty of.Klara: Victor..

PAGE 4(splash page of Klara kissing Victor, her eyes closed, his eyes open, surprised.)

PAGE 5Victor: Klara...what was that?Klara: I wanted to make you feel better.Victor: Klara...dear...I'm used to thinking of you as a little kid. I don't want to start anything romantic with you. Klara: You know I've been married before, right?Victor: Yes.Klara: And you're a lot nicer than my husband was.Victor: Klara, no! Just no, okay?

PAGE 6Klara: Very well, I won't push it.(awkward silence ensues with both of them sitting on the bench)Klara: So what do you want to talk about? We might be down here a while.

PAGE 7(Molly bursts open the cell door) Molly: Hey Gert, they're in this one!Klara: Molly, did you beat that evil future Nico? Molly: Gert's large ass did. And we've busted into three dozen cells looking for you two in this huge maze of a basement.Victor: (rushes out) Alright let's get the heck out of this hell hole!Gert: Ah, that's the spirit Victor!Molly: He must really like Chase. I wonder...

PAGE 8(later Gert, Victor, Molly and Klara are in an alleyway in Los Angelos with Old Lace still sleeping)Klara: Do you think Old Lace will be safe in this alleyway?Molly: She'd better be. I know I don't have the energy to carry her around Los Angelos all day.Gert: So I guess our next stop is to search the local universities for Chase and Future me.Molly: Shh, wait, do you guys hear that?Victor: Oh yes, way in the distance. It sounds like...chanting?

PAGE 9(Victor, Gert, Molly and Klara walk down the streets searching for the source of the chanting. They eventually find it, they look on, surprised or shocked)

PAGE 10(Splash page of a large open town square, Gib, who is now about twenty feet tall sits by an altar, a large organized congregation of people chant Gib's name)

PAGE 11Victor: Oof, what's all this?Molly: Aw, our Gib has grown up and got his own little church, how sweet!Klara: (disgusted) Blasphemous! Gert: We should get out of here.Victor: Sorry, it seems the church doors are closing in a manner of speaking.(a new crowd of people is coming in)

PAGE 12Gert: Quick guys, hide in here!(the four of them hide behind a huge banner hanging on a building)

PAGE 13(While hiding behind the banner they can peek through the side of it)(a man in a fancy costume steps up to speak to Gib) Man: Gib, great divine guardian to the city of Angles. the last of Clan Gibborim. He who is alone and hungers. On this day, we humble citizens bring to you a condemned man found guilty by our worldly justice system. Is this offering acceptable?

PAGE 14Future Gib: The offering is acceptable. Proceed.(a hooded executioner takes a sledgehammer and smashes the condemned man's head in) (The kids look on in horror from behind the banner)

PAGE 15Future Gib: (eats the soul, pauses) The sacrifice is sufficient. The City of Angels is once more guaranteed my protection for another month. I thank you all for your cooperation. You may respectfully leave now.(the crowds begin to leave)

PAGE 16(Behind the banner the kids talk)Klara: This timeline is a nightmare! A dystopia! Molly: it can't be. Gib is a good cute little God creature. This is justified because the courts said that the man was bad. Yes. This was something that needed to happen. And its different from what our parents did. These guys didn't use a knife. Yes, totally different, ha ha.(The other three look at Molly concerned) Victor: Molly, are you okay?

PAGE 17Future Gib: I know you're hiding behind that banner, Pridelings. You may come out. I will not harm you.(they come out, Molly is gleeful, the other three nervous) Molly: Gib buddy! Look at how big you've grown!Future Gib: Yes I have Molly. You have travelled from the past seeking Chase. He is in the Chronology department of the Cryptech University. Go. The sooner you reunite the sooner the sooner the timeline will be healed for the better.

PAGE 18(the four of them head out, walking the streets of L.A.)Molly: See guys, the jumbo sized future Gib wasn't so bad.Gert: Maybe not as bad as the original Gibborim, I'll give you that. But all Gods are tyrants, Mol. The power goes to their heads.(Klara stays silent, she wants to say something but doesn't)Victor: Hey look who's finally awake.Gert: Old Lace! (Old Lace comes up to them, Gert hugs Old Lace) Gert: Looks like we're all ready to kick future me's oversized tush!

PAGE 19(At the University future Gert and Chase are hanging out at a workshop) Future Gert: So Chase, do you think we'll get our big passion project done today? We've been tinkering with it for three months now.Chase: Hey, the tinkering is half the fun, babe. And besides, I want to test out its systems and fine tune it before the official presentation. Future Gert: Okay my favorite grease monkey. You perfect it to your heart's content and I'll grab us some drinks. (they kiss)

PAGE 20(Future Gert walks down a hallway checks her phone, sees security footage of Gert, Victor, Molly and Klara entering the building) (Future Gert looks upset, opens up an app and types in some command)

PAGE 21(Cut to the kids in another hallway)Gert: Not a soul in sight, its kind of eerie.Molly: It would be awful nice if we could just stroll up to Chase and take him back without anything dangerous popping upKlara: Victor, when you scanned the buildings security systems did you disable all the traps and alarms?Victor: I'm not so sure. The computer language in this time got way more advanced than what I'm used to reading in the 2020s. I just couldn't comprehend everything the codes were syaing.(they hear oncoming stomping noises) Gert: Well, sounds like our little Robonochio got an F in reading class.

PAGE 22( a large spikey future version of Old Lace shows up) Victor: Jesus, Mary and Joseph Did all our non-human members have a growth spurt?!Molly: Maybe Xavin is 12 feet tall.(Future Old Lace lunges at them)

PAGE 23(Molly grabs Future Old Lace by the mouth)Molly: Danger danger danger!(Klara wraps Future Old Lace's legs with vines)

PAGE 24Klara: My vines are not going to hold her for long. Gert, can you calm down this version of Old Lace?Gert: I'm tying to communicate with her, but its like I'm completely blocked off.Victor: I can't mistake the look of hatred in that reptile's eyes.(view of Future Old Lace's angry face)

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